9. Under the “Properties” section, copy the “Object ID” 10. In PowerShell, enter the command “Remove-AzureADDevice -ObjectId <ObjectId>” replacing `<ObjectId>` with the copied ID, and press "Enter.”
How can I delete or remove the old device in Azure AD withApproximateLastLogonTimeStampolder than 120 days? Is there any PowerShell or Azure Policy to do that automatically? Microsoft Graph Microsoft Graph A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to ac...
1 is a personal msdn tenant, and Ex employer and customer. Neither of which I have the proper contacts for to remove me from AD. There are 2 options today that do not work for me.
Hi,After MDM is enabled and device are Hyrbrid joined and managed by Intune is there a way to remove these devices from on premise AD?
While not a common occurrence, there may be reasons that you would need to remove Microsoft’s Azure AD Connect utility from your environment. This can be achieved in a few short steps and involves both removal from the local domain environment as well as deactivating the service in the cloud...
to use the Remove-MsolServicePrincipal cmdlet. There are a few different overloads for using it; I use it with the -AppPrincipalId switch. You can see the value in the output above; the AppPrincipalId coincidentally is the ClientId of the application in Azure AD. So to remove my ...
All the devices stays on soft delete for 30 days, I know because when I delete a device from Azure AD, It stays in PowerBI report for 30 days. Have you tried the ps below to add the device manually? PS C:\>New-AzureADDevice -AccountEnabled $true -DisplayName "My new device" -De...
Adding user to Azure AD (AAD) is straight forward. However when we want to delete the user we may face some issues. I have discussed that in my previous post "Error Authorization_RequestDenied while Editing Azure AD Object"https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/wriju/2016/07/20/error-authorizat...
Step 1: If your account is locked due to suspicious activity, you may receive a notification or alert from Azure AD or your system administrator. Step 2: Contact your system administrator to report the locked account and provide any relevant information regarding the suspicious activity. ...
Azure AD Connect is a tool that connects functionalities of its two predecessors – Windows Azure Active Directory Sync, commonly referred to as DirSync, and Azure AD Sync (AAD Sync). Azure AD Connect will be now the only directory synchronization tool supported by Microso...