$dt = (Get-Date).AddDays(-120) $Devices = Get-AzureADDevice -All:$true | Where {($_.ApproximateLastLogonTimeStamp -le $dt) -and ($_.AccountEnabled -eq $false)} foreach ($Device in $Devices) { Remove-AzureADDevice -ObjectId $Device.ObjectId } The followingdocumentationhas...
Troubleshoot primary refresh tokens on Windows devices Manage stale devices Azure Linux VMs and Microsoft Entra ID Azure Windows VMs and Microsoft Entra ID Virtual desktop infrastructure Frequently asked questions Troubleshoot SSO on Apple devices Troubleshoot macOS PSSO on Mac Enterprise state roaming ...
AzureAD Stale Devices Cleanup Monitor PowerAutomate Flows for Failures Python – Connect SFTP and Upload files Monitor Scheduled Task Failures PowerShell – Download Excel from SharePoint and Export to ServiceNow Tables Python – Remove Specific AD groups From Target Users Bulk Update Primary User for...
This output made us understand that thousands of devices are getting registered every day which has resulted in AAD Quota exhaustion. Based on our analysis to come out of this situation we recommended the customer to delete stale devices that have not been used for more than...
Did you ever figure out how to delete saved Bitlocker recovery keys from Azure AD? I just ran into the same issue with stale keys on devices that have been re-imaged. Tuesday, December 3, 2019 10:07 AM I'm also keen to hear back on this one....
This sample includes a .NET MAUI client, packaging the experience as an app that can run on a Windows/macOS desktop or on Android and iOS devices. The MAUI client here is implemented using Blazor hybrid, letting it share most code with the website frontend. ...
TestMethodStale Test Kapsamında Değil TestNotCoveredStale TestNotInList TestPass Test Planı TestPlanProperty Test Düzlemleri TestProperty TestResult TestResultDetails Test Çalıştırma TestRunner TestRunProperty TestSettings TestSuite TestSuiteRequirement TestVariable TextAndImage Textarea ...
Install-Module-Name Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.DirectoryManagement Along with connecting to Graph and the appropriate scope: Connect-MgGraph-Scopes DirectoryRecommendations.Read.All You could then pull the list of stale applications: $staleApps=Get-MgBetaDirectoryRecommendation-Filter"recommendationType eq...
Today’s world is awash with data—ever-streaming from the devices we use, the applications we build, and the interactions we have. Organizations across every industry have harnessed this data to digitally transform and gain competitive advantages. And now, as we enter a new era defined by AI...
Several exciting changes to Microsoft Entra ID Protection (currently Azure AD Identity Protection) help IT and identity practitioners prevent account compromise. Instead of reactively revoking access based on stale data, ID Protection uses the power of advanced machine ...