Therefore, ECM components can be degraded and remodeled throughout all the phases of wound healing, predominantly during the inflammatory and proliferative phases and to a lower extent during wound maturation. Each stage of repair may be associated with a distinct profile of matricryptin generation,...
treatment of adult aphakia in circumstances where secondary implantation of an intra-ocular lens is not feasible because reentering the eye could affect outcome (e.g., vitreous in the anterior chamber, history of uveitis, disorganized anterior chamber that cannot support an intraocular lens, significa...
In the early stage of myocardial structural disease, LV remodeling represents a compensatory modification to maintain an adequate LVEF and systemic output thanks to the Frank–Starling rule. Unfortunately, as the remodeling continues, it sets up a vicious cycle leading to a progressive loss of ...
Similar concept is also applied to the intervention of an early-stage wound to significantly alter the natural process of wound healing via FMRT-mediated change of the histological architecture of a wound, and thus to prevent the formation of a grossly visible linear scar. This chapter introduces...
1c,d). Our data show that the combined contribution of multiple lysyl oxidase family members is more predictive of poor survival in pancreatic cancer, than any single family member. Notably, our lysyl oxidase family score is independent of tumor stage and size. A higher lysyl oxidase score ...
Moreover, more than 70% of patients with NPC are diagnosed at an advanced stage due to the insidious and aggressive nature of the disease [7]. Unfortunately, patients with advanced NPC have a poorer prognosis and fewer treatment options, making this a major cause of mortality [3]. Therefore...
This study emphasized restoring the balance of mitochondrial dynamics in mid-life delayed onset of pathology and prolonged lifespan, while excessive adynamism at an early stage has no impact on longevity. Moreover, a recent study revealed the loss of Drp1 during aging-impaired muscle regeneration,...
Turricephaly Index (TI) and posterior cranial volume (PCV) were assessed from pre- and post-operative CT scans for patients who underwent PCD as a primary 1st-stage operation. Clinical outcomes and complications were collated. A total of 41 patients (25 females, 16 males; mean age of 11 ...
2b, all animals treated with VTI-1002 achieved full wound closure by the end of the experiment, and more than 50% of VTI-1002-treated wounds were categorized as class IV, an advanced stage of healing. Conversely, approximately half of the wounds in vehicle control remained open (class I) ...
The results demonstrated rapid activation of the ERK1/2, JNK1/2, P38, c-JUN, and PI3K-AKT pathways during the early stage. Loss of Tudor-SN resulted in diminished levels of phosphorylated ERK1/2, JNK1/2, c-JUN, PI3K and AKT relative to the total protein content (Fig. 4C, D). ...