The relaxin signaling pathway is widely present in the body. We use the cardiovascular effect as an example to describe the way in which the relaxin signaling pathway works: the distribution and function of relaxin and its receptor RXFP1 are found in the cardiovascular system with an important ...
These proteins were associated with the relaxin signaling pathway, which regulated the level of nitric oxide and is implicated in both BPH development and CBFD. We concluded that the three key bioactivities found in Plumula nelumbinis of CBFD may contribute to improving BPH condition by ...
Relaxin inhibits renal myofibroblast differentiation via RXFP1, the nitric oxide pathway, and Smad2 The hormone relaxin inhibits renal myofibroblast differentiation by interfering with TGF-beta1/Smad2 signaling. However, the pathways involved in the relax... I Mookerjee,TD Hewitson,ML Halls,... - ...
The antifibrotic effects of relaxin in human renal fibroblasts are mediated in part by inhibition of the Smad2 pathway. Relaxin is a potent inhibitor of TGF-β1-induced extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis and secretion as well as fibroblast activation. Furthermore, it induc... MHJ Heeg,MJ Kozi...
Relaxin influences ileal muscular activity through a dual signaling pathway in mice Publishing Process of This Article Feb 28, 2018 (publication date) through Jan 13, 2025 本文章的被引频次 本文章的期刊信息 World Journal of Gastroenterology ISSN...
Initial evidence based on the expression of RXFP1 in 293T cells suggested that the main signaling pathway downstream of RLX was the activation of cAMP pathways (Hsu et al., 2002). Two distinct mechanisms appear to be involved in this activity: (a) an initial response likely due to the ...
RLX works through a variety of intracellular signaling cascades in different tissue types. Protein kinases A (PKA) and C (PKC) are two common molecules implicated in RLX signaling and are known to affect myofilament function. Thus the second objective of this study was to determine whether RLX...
We have previously demonstrated that human H2-relaxin can mediate androgen-independent growth of LNCaP through a mechanism that involves the activation of the androgen receptor (AR) signaling pathway. The goal of the current study is to elucidate the mechanism(s) by which H2-relaxin causes activati...
Inhibition of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway by a β-catenin/CBP inhibitor prevents heart failure by ameliorating cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis Article21 July 2021 Introduction Aging is associated with structural and functional changes of the cardiovascular system and is a major risk factor for ...
Receptor activation in response to either ligand was tested by measurement of cAMP activity the main signalling pathway activated by RXFP1 and RXFP2 in HEK-293T cells. Role of the RXFP2-linker in INSL3 binding and activation The mutants were first tested for their ability to bind INSL3 ...