Foxp3intestineIL-10Some regulatory T cells express the Foxp3 transcription factor and such Tregs have an essential function of preventing autoimmune disease in man and mouse. Foxp3 binds to Forkhead motifs of about 1100doi:10.1007/978-0-387-77909-6_2Karsten Kretschmer...
Regulatory T (Treg) cells expressing the transcription factor forkhead box P3 (Foxp3) play a requisite role in the maintenance of immunological homeostasis and prevention of peripheral self-tolerance breakdown. Although Foxp3 by itself is neither necessary nor sufficient to specify many aspects of the...
FOXP3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells are critical in maintaining immune tolerance and homeostasis of the immune system. The molecular mechanisms underlying the stability, plasticity and functional activity of Treg cells have been much studied in recent years
Foxp3Regulatory T cells are crucial for immune homeostasis and an impaired regulatory T cell function results in many pathological conditions. Regulatory T cells have already been described to be protective in atherosclerosis. However the exact contribution of Foxp3-expressing natural regulatory T cells...
FOXP3+ regulatory T cells in cutaneous T-cell lymphomas: association with disease stage and survival. Leukemia 2007;21(12):2512-8.Gjerdrum LM, Woetmann A, Odum N, Burton CM, Rossen K, Skovgaard GL, et al. FOXP3+ regulatory T cells in cutaneous T-cell lymphomas: association with ...
Regulatory T (Treg) cells are required to control immune responses and maintain homeostasis, but are a significant barrier to antitumour immunity1. Conversely, Treg instability, characterized by loss of the master transcription factor Foxp3 and acquisiti
FoxP3+ regulatory T cells are not important for rotavirus clearance or the early antibody response to rotavirus - ScienceDirect Conner, FoxP3+ regulatory T cells are not important for rotavirus clearance or the early antibody response to rotavirus. Microbes and infection / Institut ... Amber,D....
We describe the type and function of regulatory T cells (Tregs) and the transcription factor FOXP3 as a specific marker of these cells. Tregs control mechanisms of immune response during graft rejection. Tregs are important to induce graft tolerance. We also describe the experimental and clinical...
FOXP3-Positive Regulatory T Cells and Kidney Allograft Tolerancedoi:10.1053/j.ajkd.2016.10.027Normal immune homeostasis is achieved by several mechanisms, and prominent among them is immunoregulation. Although several types of regulatory lymphocyte populations have been described, CD4 T cells expressing...
Tight control of T FH numbers maintains self tolerance. We describe a population of Foxp3 + Blimp-1 + CD4 + T cells constituting 10–25% of the CXCR5 high PD-1 high CD4 + T cells found in the germinal center after immunization with protein antigens. These follicular regulatory T (T ...