You can also right click on a repeater to slow the speed that it transmits its signal. Once this clock has been powered it will slowly travel around the ring of redstone repeaters and power the lamps set to the sides at a set interval. A repeater at max delay will take half a second...
To my surprise, the door did produce a sound while it did so without any visible changes. This means the torch emitted a pulse whose length is shorter than 1 tick, otherwise it would initiate the torch clock. Then I built a circuit shown in torch-taking-1-tick-to-turn-off.png to ...
Redstone comparators are redstone components that can either (1) maintain, (2) compare, or (3) subtract redstone signal strength. They can also be used to measure block states, like the fullness of a container. Like a repeater, comparators can dictate the direction of the redstone current ...
Redstone clocks are fairly simple. They are made from four redstone repeaters in a circuit. Each repeater can be set to a different timing by right clicking them. As the current goes around the clock, it moves from repeater to repeater based on the timing each is set to. The redstone ...