tropicalSchoolGoatfish = 拟羊鱼 tropicalSchoolMoorishIdol = 镰鱼 tropicalSchoolOrnateButterfly = 华丽蝴蝶鱼 tropicalSchoolParrotfish = 鹦嘴鱼 tropicalSchoolQueenAngelFish = 额斑刺蝶鱼 tropicalSchoolRedCichlid = 红慈鲷 tropicalSchoolRedLippedBlenny = 红唇鳚鱼 tropicalSchoolRedSnapper = 红边笛鲷 tropicalSchool...
红石块(Block of Redstone)是用9个红石粉合成的方块,相当于一个可被活塞推动的不能关闭的红石电源。 红石块会自然生成于远古城市中心的地下室中。 脚本错误:您必须指定要调用的函数。 挖掘红石块的合适工具是镐。红石块需要木镐或品质更好的镐来挖掘,否则挖掘时间将延
由红石合成用来达到其他功能的红石电路组件叫做红石元件,由以下几个组成:红石火把(Redstone Torch )、红石中继器(Redstone Repeater)、红石比较器(Redstone Comparator)3种跟红石有关的物品叫做红石物品,由拉杆、活塞、按钮、粘性活塞、等组成,红石元件属于红石物品。 来自Android客户端4楼2014-11-30 19:43 收起回复...
minecraft:stone_stairs 圆石楼梯 minecraft:wall_sign 墙上的告示牌E minecraft:lever 拉杆 minecraft:stone_pressure_plate 石质压力板 minecraft:iron_door 铁门 minecraft:wooden_pressure_plate 木质压力板 minecraft:redstone_ore 红石矿石 minecraft:lit_redstone_ore 发光的红石矿石 minecraft:unlit_redstone_torch ...
1. Crafting Redstone Components As a crafting ingredient, you can use redstone dust to craft the following items: Block of Redstone: Powers redstone machines and can be broken down into redstone dust Clock: Reveals if it’s day or night in the Overworld ...
Redstone Ore 红石矿石 Redstone Repeater 红石中继器 Redstone Torch 红石火把 Redstone Wall Torch 墙上的红石火把 Redstone Wire 红石线 Reinforced Deepslate 强化深板岩 Repeating Command Block 循环型命令方块 Respawn Anchor 重生锚 Rooted Dirt 缠根泥土 ...
Redstone Repeater Block (off)(minecraft:unpowered_repeater) 94 Redstone Repeater Block (on)(minecraft:powered_repeater) 95 White Stained Glass(minecraft:stained_glass) 95:1 Orange Stained Glass(minecraft:stained_glass) 95:2 Magenta Stained Glass(minecraft:stained_glass) 95:3 Light Blue Stained Gl...
指南针 Compass 铁锭和红石 Iron Ingots & Redstone 指向出生点. 钟 Clock 金锭和红石 Gold Ingots & Redstone 显示时间和白天黑夜. 铁桶 Bucket 铁锭 Iron Ingots 用来装水,岩浆,牛奶. 剪刀 Shears 铁锭 Iron Ingots 用来剪羊毛和树叶.防具合成名称 材料 合成示意图 描述 头盔 Helmet 皮革或铁锭或金锭或钻石 ...
不定期CB模组更新(..第一更 爆炸弓(版本1.9)/summon FallingSand ~2 ~ ~ {Block:redstone_block,Time:1,Passengers:[0:{id:FallingSand,
93/0 unpowered_repeater Redstone Repeater Block Off 94/0 powered_repeater Redstone Repeater Block On 95/0 stained_glass White Stained Glass 95/1 stained_glass Orange Stained Glass 95/2 stained_glass Magenta Stained Glass 95/3 stained_glass Light Blue Stained Glass 95/4 stained_glass...