Aredstone comparatoris often confused with a redstone repeater. The two look similar, are made of similar components and have nearly identical functions. There are only a few minor distinctions between the two. However, these minor distinctions are what define the crucial difference between them. ...
You can make a redstone clock with just two repeaters and four redstone dust. This configuration will not burn out like a redstone torch looped into itself will. You can lock four repeaters into the on state by pointing four repeaters into each other. This does not have a practical use,...
antiredstoneclockremastered.commands.FeatureCommand; import net.onelitefeather.antiredstoneclockremastered.commands.ReloadCommand; import net.onelitefeather.antiredstoneclockremastered.listener.*; import net.onelitefeather.antiredstoneclockremastered.listener.ComparatorListener; import net.onelitefeather.ant...