Red Dead Redemption 和《不死梦魇》将于 10 月 29 日登陆 PC 平台 15.2万 220 3:07 App Reddit大神现身!《荒野大镖客2》引擎重制版《荒野大镖客1 救赎》概念预告片发布! 4.3万 -- 0:23 App 新的5幻神来了,《完蛋!我被美女包围了!》前传DLC成都篇 9.2万 185 1:28 App 《荒野大镖客:救赎》PC版终...
虽然一些Red Dead Online玩家在游戏中有一些温馨的互动,但情况并非总是如此。玩家可以通过打开被动模式来享受更和平的体验,但这几乎违背了在线游戏的意义。虽然与悲伤者打交道可能会令人沮丧,但克服他们是乐趣的一半。该剪辑由用户That1GuyNamedMatt发布到Reddit,他正在山顶与另一名玩家进行战斗。另一个玩家躲避马特...
There are weird occurrences afoot in Red Dead Redemption 2. We take a look at what Reddit has uncovered in Rockstar’s epic.
2019 Facebook Twitter RedditRed Dead Redemption 2 is finally out on PC, a little more than a year after launch. By Rockstar’s standards, this is actually earlier than expected. Grand Theft Auto V took more than two years to make its way over to the platform of choice. And the ...
big chunks of the Half-Life train ride everywhere. Come to think of it, Quantum Break had a lot of that going on too, so maybe stylistically this is something that console games do more of than PC titles. According to several Reddit forums, there are some bugs afoot. Some of them are...
Red Dead Redemption 2 has added DLSS support on PC with its newest update, and now sports significantly better frame rates at 4K resolution.Posted By Shubhankar Parijat | On 14th, Jul. 2021 Facebook Twitter RedditRockstar and Nvidia have been hyping up the addition of DLSS support in Red ...
在万圣节当周(10 月 25 日至 10 月 31 日)游玩 Red Dead 在线模式,即可获得 2 份强效蛇油、3 份大型猎物肉和 25 张资本券。另外,整个月内,所有马匹均可免费使用红色鬃毛和尾巴选项,还有理发、牙齿、妆容,以及所有猎刀自定义均五折(更多折扣在下方已列出)。所有奖励和优惠将在完成后的 72 小时内...
正如Redditor AutumnUnderFire 最近分享的那样,这就是亚瑟摩根的烤肉进来的地方。玩家很早就知道与 NPC 交谈的“问候-问候-对抗”方法会产生有趣的对话,但这些来自 Arthur Morgan 的烤肉永远不会变老。这是Red Dead Redemption 2 中的一个小细节,但当有人在推出三年后享受 Morgan 机智的、有时像孩子一样的烤肉时...
We've heard rumors of Red Dead Redemption 2hitting the Xbox One, PS4 and PC, but according to Reddit user 'AnonDN1978' - who claims to be an ex-Rockstar developer - the studio will unveil RDR 2 at E3 2015. The game will reportedly be called Red Dead Redemption 2: Legends of ... Just a theory, but maybe the launcher checks for CPU microcode exploits as an anti-cheat method. Microcode exploits are patched in BIOS updates and so the checks pass. It may also be why it fails ...