2019 Facebook Twitter RedditRed Dead Redemption 2 is finally out on PC, a little more than a year after launch. By Rockstar’s standards, this is actually earlier than expected. Grand Theft Auto V took more than two years to make its way over to the platform of choice. And the ...
triggers this, but many players are claiming this is an adult Jack Marston's voice, and might be proof that single-player DLC is on the way. Adult Jack appears in the epilogue of the original Red Dead Redemption; could we get a Red Dead Redemption remake, or a continuation of that ...
Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One later this year, and no mention has been made of a possible PC release. While it's extremely likely that the game will release on PC at some point, today we have received another confirmation that the next open-world game ...
Evidence continues to mount that Rockstar's acclaimed 2010 open world Western could finally be making its way to PC.Posted By Shubhankar Parijat | On 17th, Sep. 2024 Facebook Twitter RedditNearly a decade and a half on from launch, the original Red Dead Redemption remains as elusive as ...
Redditor Felwinter_II指出了这个细节,他发现狩猎营地挂着的动物不仅仅是道具——玩家可以与它们互动,将尸体拿走。在许多其他游戏中,这些动物纯粹是装饰品。但Rockstar凭借《Red Dead Redemption 2》成功地创造出了有史以来最好的开放世界之一,不允许玩家与这些特定动物互动将会违背游戏的特性。帖子中的其他一些玩家...
We've heard rumors of Red Dead Redemption 2hitting the Xbox One, PS4 and PC, but according to Reddit user 'AnonDN1978' - who claims to be an ex-Rockstar developer - the studio will unveil RDR 2 at E3 2015. The game will reportedly be called Red Dead Redemption 2: Legends of ...
After a year’s wait,Red Dead Redemption IIcame to PCyesterday and I’m slowly making my way through it. So damn slowly.Red Dead Redemption IIis undoubtedly the longest game I’ll play in 2019, a year that also involved me playing threeYakuzagames,The Division II,Borderlands 3, and more...
Reddit用户Bobbi-Is-Bitter仅使用画笔和画布上的颜料,就描绘出了范德林德帮成员接近布莱斯韦特庄园的场景。这一幕发生在《Red Dead Redemption 2》的克莱门斯点章节中,范德林德帮潜入布莱斯韦特宅邸营救杰克·马斯顿。Bobbi-Is-Bitter在作品右下角的签名是“Simpson”,他们将游戏中激发灵感的场景定位在上面的平板电脑上...
在整个《Red Dead Redemption 2》过程中,角色变得更加丰满,在重大事件之间的小插曲最终推动了剧情的发展。考虑到这一点,一位玩家捕捉到了亚瑟·摩根的一些对话,这些对话并非他们所预料的。Reddit用户casperdacrook在总共玩了《荒野大镖客:救赎2》11次之后,拍摄到了亚瑟·摩根哼唱并唱出原创曲目的片段。尽管他们...
现在,用户 TacticalHog将Red Dead Redemption 2 的另一个晦涩但令人难以置信的细节推到了游戏的官方 subreddit 上。正在讨论的特殊功能是 Arthur Morgan 的眼球实际上会反映他的周围环境,这取决于光照条件和框架中物体的粗细程度。这是一个容易被忽视的细节,这是可以理解的,因此这个微小的细节被这么多玩家忽视也...