该剪辑由用户That1GuyNamedMatt发布到Reddit,他正在山顶与另一名玩家进行战斗。另一个玩家躲避马特的攻击,每次都侧身俯冲。然而,他们最终误判了自己的跳跃,从悬崖边跳了下来致死。这当然不是马特期望赢得战斗的方式,因为他看着倒下的尸体,困惑不解。去年,一些Red Dead Online玩家参加了信任飞跃演习。好吧,这种特...
So, it makes perfect sense that photography has become a player pastime. This is an open world that you're meant to admire. The day/night cycle, along with the dynamic weather, allows for an endless variety of composition and lighting. There's an entire subreddit, called/r/reddeadphotogra...
这是一个令人印象深刻的未来证明水平,希望Red Dead Online即使没有定期的内容更新也能具有类似的寿命水平。Redditor Riven_Hourglass的剪辑是一个可怕的手表。它开始于玩家与朋友的战斗,但当他们拉开时,他们被拉到地板上并被超自然力量拖出视野。Red Dead Online中有很多故障,但这似乎不是其中之一,因为没有任何...
Developed as the online component of open-world Western Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Online gives players all the freedom of the Old West. Players can assume countless roles: upstanding citizen, bounty hunter, fur trapper, bandit outlaw - with a wealt
Red Dead 線上模式所有「喋血之財」機會雙倍獎勵 每日挑戰可獲得額外黃金獎勵,進行精選系列賽拿雙倍 RDO 遊戲幣及經驗值,以及更多 2023年2月28日 認真投入罪犯的事業,收穫滿滿獎勵。所有「喋血之財」機會提供雙倍 RDO 遊戲幣、黃金及經驗值,而所有「喋血之財」合約提供雙倍 RDO 遊戲幣...
本月,玩家可以领取各个部分的服饰来免费搭配成一套时髦的赏金猎人装束,多亏了 reddit 用户 whiskotto 在 r/RedDeadFashion Subreddit 上分享的这套极品组合。配搭贝勒罗斯帽、霰弹枪外套、日常衬衫(男性)、西部罩衫(女性)、林奇菲尔德马甲、翻边城镇裤、军用护腿和骑兵靴,还有指定配色的礼服领带与皮革手套。
"三年来,为了一个八年前的、过时的、被称为GTA Online的游戏而忽视了《荒野大镖客2》在线模式。R星的无能和无法听取他们社区的意见的态度,使 《荒野大镖客2》在线模式一直被搁置在那里。”该游戏的Reddit页面也充满了要求Rockstar提供更多内容的帖子。
身为Red Dead 在线模式中的持证赏金猎人,在执行正义、惩治无耻之徒的同时,享受丰厚薪资、奖励和其他福利,截至 3 月 4 日。 双倍RDO 游戏币、黄金和经验值尽在所有悬赏任务 本月,正义的天平即将实现平衡。所有悬赏任务(普通、玩家、恶名和传说任务)均为有胆量擒获目标、无论死活的勇敢猎人提供双倍 RDO 游戏币、...
Claim a community-inspired outfit courtesy of Redditor u/Kindainappropriate, who created the following ensemble for experienced riders. This sleek cavalry get-up will keep you comfortable in most of the climes on the frontier, while also drawing attention as you ride through town at a full gallo...
Popular Reddit Gaming Communities 1. r/gaming… Read More Game Reviews New Releases Tomb Raider IV–VI Remastered, A New Life for Classic Adventures Teddy1 week ago011 mins reddeadplace.com – The Tomb Raider series has seen many evolutions over the years, but the remastering of the ...