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Real-time PCR 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Real-time PCR is based on the conventional principles of PCR and, with the simple shift of emphasis from the end-product to the whole course of the PCR process, has established itself as the most sensitive and specific quantitative PCR method...
A Real Time PCR Platform for the Simultaneous Quantification of Total and Extrachromosomal HIV DNA Forms in Blood of HIV-1 Infected Patients 热度: JOURNALOFCLINICALMICROBIOLOGY,Sept.2006,p.3325–3333Vol.44,No.9 0095-1137/06/$08.000doi:10.1128/JCM.00024-06 ...
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RealTimePCR介绍(TaKaRa01).pdf,Welcome To Welcome To 实时荧光定量PCR介绍 (Real Time PCR) 宝生物工程(大连)有限公司 TaKaRa Biotechnology (Dalian )Co.,Ltd 主要内容 主要内容 Real Time PCR 基础知识 Real Time PCR 实验方法 Real Time PCR 解析方法 Real Time PC