Later, as the meaning of the word shifted slightly, none of the possible alternatives had precisely the same undertones of a person, usually young, who belongs to an informal group and commits acts of vandalism or criminal damage, starts fights, and who causes disturbances and acts of violence...
I want to let you know that I am a young woman with the hearing loss (meaning I'm partially deaf) so please bear with me and my English skill since I am only using the Sign Language but I will try my best to explain my ghost experience. Ever since I was a toddler (about 5 or ...
“Holocaust,” as I’ve understood it, has a different meaning for Russians, who started using the word back in the 1990s to describe the demographic disaster to Soviet citizens in WWII on the Eastern Front — which included the territory of the SSR of Russia and the German push to seize...
Dayan – now calling himself, in code, “Moshe Neptune” – cabled Yadin: “Cast Thy Bread will be activated by Nahshon [meaning Operation Nahshon forces, which included the Harel Brigade] on Monday or Tuesday. I will come down mid-week with all the material.” Yadin instructed senior ...
There had to be a country in the world where the Jews were the landlords instead of tolerated guests, a place of refuge in the truest meaning of the word, even for Jews who live in other countries.”[3] David Ben-Gurion stated at the beginning of World War II that the war should ...
“fascist” actually derives from the Latin “fascis”, meaning “a bundle”; and the Roman fasces of a bundle of birch rods tied together as a cylinder with a red leather ribbon symbolized the complete power and jurisdiction of the imperium, and/or “strength through unity”, in the old...
‘The appearance of the Swastika as the symbol of the new Germany revives the old war symbol of the Jews.’” As far as ‘nasi’ – elite (or ‘prince’) read between the lines – meaning; I’ve come across it in several diverse and reputeable sources of late. If we prove the Naz...
Are you just illustrating the fact for us that many otherwise well-meaning Christians are suffering from a most shocking illiteracy regarding the Bible, a lack of historical learning, and erroneous religious assumptions (fostered by lying Jew propaganda) about the mainly atheist, humanist, materialist...
The sense of these declarations, testified Burg, was as follows: ‘We nationalist Jews, meaning Zionists, are in agreement with this regime. We are not ashamed of our nationalist thoughts.’ The Germans who had to deal with the Jewish question co-operated immediately with this minority of ...
Proof that Jews are of this earth – meaning earthly things =Mammon! Many simply struggle to accept a higher power they can’t control – it must have to do with their moral compass and their arrogant egos. Lee February 15, 2019 @ 8:51 pm Nice disappearing effect. Rand Paul would ...