In times when Lithuania was virtually ruled by several important families, Kėdainiai was the seat of Radvila family. This branch of the famous family adopted a Reformed faith and therefore the Kėdainiai main square is dwarfed by a RenaissanceReformed Christian church(1652) rather than a Ca...
Lithuanian anthem"Tautiška giesmė" (National hymn) has been created in 1898 by Vincas Kudirka, one of theheroes of Lithuanian National Revival(adopted in 1920). It is notable for having each verse to follow a different melody and therefore should never be shortened (trimming the anthem in...
Although thespiral pattern inTrue Detective: Night Countryinitially seemed similar to the one featured throughout season 1, its meaning and structure seem different. When it comes to its structure, the spiral in season 4 is like an inverted mirror image of the one shown in season 1. Given ho...
No. According to the real Marcia Clark, the jury deliberated for two hours before coming back with a verdict, not four, meaning there was almost no deliberation. Clark says that unlike what is seen onThe People v. O.J. SimpsonTV show, the prosecution had no doubt that Simpson would be...
The debate over the original meaning of the swastika reached its peak in the late 1920's after it had been chosen as the symbol for the Nazi party program for the radical renewal and reorganization of social life and the engineering of a great society from the stock of noble races. At ...
Discusses the history of the ancient symbol, swastika. Motion pictures that include images of the swastika; Adolf Hitler's adaption of the symbol; Global context of the Nazi sign; Philanthropic attempts to reclaim a pre-Nazi meaning.QuinnMalcolmTimes Higher Education Supplement...
It was ruled by Germans together with the rest ofLithuania Minor. Even its Lithuanian name “Klaipėda”, first mentioned in the 16th century, is believed to be a pejorative, meaning “Bread eater” (as the city dwellers used to eat bread grown by the Lithuanians of surrounding countryside...
the old traditional art of "Godmaking" (creating religious sculptures), however, his creations departed from the folk style and he created a style of his own, where every surface of every figure is decorated in patterns and Lithuanian words/sentences/stories, often having a secretive meaning. ...
It focuses on White supremacy and how it shapes the meaning and movement of bodies, subjectivities, commodities, markets and media spectacles. It presents case studies that demand examination of persistent, resurgent and veiled forms of White supremacy. Among the issues discussed, include Kobe Bryant...
(rather than any foreign powers) should make the political decisions in Lithuania. Today some say that the slogan is dated and should not be shouted during the independence day parades; others claim that it either has a historic meaning or current meaning of protest against transferring more and...