both named after medieval Lithuanian rulers. They are repeatedly used in many other symbols. For instance, Cross of Vytis forms a part of Lithuanian Coat of Arms and the air force ensign whereas the Pillars of Gediminas were used
Under the Soviet rule, all the imposing Old Town churches were torn down. Many of these elaborate buildings have been replaced by new plain structures, whereas in place of the largest among them,Saint John‘s, there is now an empty lawn. The historical perimeter of Saint John‘s is marked...
The spiral symbol found throughout the season holds cultural significance and is associated with warning markers for dangerous areas in the caves. A lot is happening inTrue Detective: Night Country, making it hard for viewers to keep track of all the moving parts. AlthoughTrue Detective: Night ...
The debate over the original meaning of the swastika reached its peak in the late 1920's after it had been chosen as the symbol for the Nazi party program for the radical renewal and reorganization of social life and the engineering of a great society from the stock of noble races. At ...
Discusses the history of the ancient symbol, swastika. Motion pictures that include images of the swastika; Adolf Hitler's adaption of the symbol; Global context of the Nazi sign; Philanthropic attempts to reclaim a pre-Nazi meaning.QuinnMalcolmTimes Higher Education Supplement...
the old traditional art of "Godmaking" (creating religious sculptures), however, his creations departed from the folk style and he created a style of his own, where every surface of every figure is decorated in patterns and Lithuanian words/sentences/stories, often having a secretive meaning. ...
Secondly, theNazi symbolsare banned in Lithuania due to Nazi Germany having murdered most of the Lithuania's Jews. There is mainly one such banned symbol: the swastika. However, only theNazi swastikais banned (i.e. swastika within a red circle or when used in Nazi contexts). That's becau...