: a reaction of ninhydrin with amino acids or related amino compounds used for the colorimetric determination of amino acids, peptides, or proteins by measuring the intensity of the blue to violet to red color formed or for the quantitative determination of amino acids by measuring the amount ...
Aim. The purpose of the work was to determine the effect of trichloroacetic (TCA) and perchloric (HClO4) acids on the result of ninhydrin reaction with various amino acids. Methods. A standard method of amino acid detection using a ninhydrin reagent was applied. Optical sp...
In addition, imines such as pipecolic acid and proline, the guanidino group of arginine, the amide groups of asparagine, the indole ring of tryptophan, the sulfhydryl group of cysteine, amino groups of cytosine and guanine, and cyanide ions also react with ninhydrin to form various chromophores...
The reaction of ninhydrin with primary amino groups to form the purple dye now called Ruhemann's purple (RP) was discovered by Siegfried Ruhemann in 1910. In addition, imines such as pipecolic acid and proline, the guanidino group of arginine, the amide groups of asparagine, the indole ring...
Ninhydrin, also known as Ninhydrin hydrate, is a chemical used to detect potential fingerprints on porous surfaces such as paper and cardboard. This compound reacts with the amino acid (eccrine) component of the fingerprint deposit to produce a dark purple product known as Ruhlmann's Violet. ...
Several α-hydrazino carboxylic acids and their m-nitrobenzal hydrazones have been prepared and characterized. The latter and two of the former have not been previously reported. The α-hydrazino acids were found to react with ninhydrin to yield Ruhemann's purple, but in much lower yield than ...
On the mechanism of the reaction of ninhydrin with alpha-amino acids. I. Absorption spectra of ninhydrin and certain derivatives Methods are described for the estimation of plasma and urine alpha-amino nitrogen by the colorimetric ninhydrin reaction; in the method for urine, both amm... DA Macfa...
Ninhydrin Reaction Medical The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. a color reaction used for the qualitative and quantitative identification of amino acids, imino acids, and amines. Upon heating in an alkaline medium with substanc...
THE micro-determination of 伪-amino-acids with ninhydrin in n -butanol is highly sensitive, but often inaccurate due to the retardation of colour formation and the production of various red or blue colours instead of the purple compound usually obtained. It was found that traces of cations had...
A new reaction and preliminary colorimetric test of distinctive specificity has been developed by using dl-alanine and H2O2 as reagents for the detection of ascorbic acid. It is probable that the colour develops with dehydroascorbic acid in a manner similar to the ninhydrine or murexide tests. Wh...