Props Special props: proptypedescription maxRowsnumberMaximum number of rows up to which the textarea can grow minRowsnumberMinimum number of rows to show for textarea onHeightChangefuncFunction invoked on textarea height change, with height as...
React MUI是一个流行的、基于React的UI框架,提供了丰富的可重用组件,用于构建漂亮且易于使用的用户界面。其中的TextareaAutosize组件是一个由Material-UI提供的特殊组件,它可以根据用户输入的内容自动调整文本框的高度,以便完整地显示所有文本。 第二步:如何安装和使用TextareaAutosize组件? 要使用TextareaAutosize组件,...
React Autosize Textarea A light replacement for built-in<textarea />component which automatically adjusts its height to match the content. NB: It does not require any polyfill importReactDOMfrom'react-dom';importTextareaAutosizefrom'react-autosize-textarea';ReactDOM.renderComponent(<TextareaAuto...
I can still reproduce this with v7.5.3, I have react-textarea-autosize installed in my project as a workaround, but when removed I get the issue again. This is specifically a TS error, storybook seems to run fine. Have you also bundled the types for react-textarea-autosize? Does any...
React Autosize Textarea A light replacement for built-in<textarea />component which automatically adjusts its height to match the content. NB: It does not require any polyfill importReactDOMfrom'react-dom'; importTextareaAutosizefrom'react-autosize-textarea'; ...
react-textarea-autosize - 能够根据内容自动扩展的React textarea组件 React开发-表单相关控件 2019-08-15 上传 大小:13KB 所需: 49积分/C币 立即下载 react-reactjsonschemaform一个React组件用于从JSONSchema构建Web表单 react-jsonschema-form - 一个React组件用于从JSONSchema构建Web表单 立即下载 上传者: wei...
The Textarea Autosize component gives you a textarea HTML element that automatically adjusts its height to match the length of the content within.
Textarea Autosize Base UIv5.0.0-beta.67 Getting started Components All components APIs How-to guides The Textarea Autosize component gives you a textarea HTML element that automatically adjusts its height to match the length of the content within....
minRows、maxRows:设置文本框的最小行数和最大行数。 使用示例如下: importReact,{Component}from'react';importTextareaAutosizefrom'react-textarea-autosize';classAppextendsComponent{handleBlur=(e)=>{console.log('失去焦点',;}handleChange=(e)=>{console.log('值变化',
我们可以使用下面的方法在 ReactJS 中使用 TextareaAutosize 组件。创建反应应用程序并安装模块:步骤1: 使用以下命令创建一个 React 应用程序。npx create-react-app foldername 步骤2: 在创建项目文件夹(即文件夹名)后,使用以下命令移动到该文件夹。cd foldername 步骤3: 创建ReactJS 应用程序后,使用以下命令安装...