Props Special props: proptypedescription maxRowsnumberMaximum number of rows up to which the textarea can grow minRowsnumberMinimum number of rows to show for textarea onHeightChangefuncFunction invoked on textarea height change, with height as...
React Autosize Textarea A light replacement for built-in<textarea />component which automatically adjusts its height to match the content. NB: It does not require any polyfill importReactDOMfrom'react-dom'; importTextareaAutosizefrom'react-autosize-textarea'; ...
Update dependency react-textarea-autosize to v8.5.6 #33228 Merged ClearlyClaire merged 1 commit into main from renovate/react-textarea-autosize-8.x-lockfile Dec 9, 2024 +4 −4 Conversation 0 Commits 1 Checks 31 Files changed 1 Conversation Contributor renovate bot commented Dec 9, 20...
React Autosize Textarea A light replacement for built-in<textarea />component which automatically adjusts its height to match the content. NB: It does not require any polyfill importReactDOMfrom'react-dom';importTextareaAutosizefrom'react-autosize-textarea';ReactDOM.renderComponent(<TextareaAuto...
import { TextareaAutosize } from '@mui/base/TextareaAutosize'; // or import { TextareaAutosize } from '@mui/base'; Learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size. PropsView:table NameTypeDefaultDescription maxRows number| string - Maximum number of rows to disp...
<TextareaAutosize /> renders a plain HTMLTextareaHTMLTextAreaElement. Which means this basic CSS will work: textarea { background-color: #222; color: #BADA55; } See it working hereWorking demo: If ...
import{TextareaAutosize}from'@mui/base/TextareaAutosize';// orimport{TextareaAutosize}from'@mui/base'; Learn about the difference byreading this guide on minimizing bundle size. Props NameTypeDefaultDescription maxRowsnumber | string- Maximum number of rows to display. ...
react-textarea-autosize - 能够根据内容自动扩展的React textarea组件 React开发-表单相关控件2019-08-15 上传大小:13KB 所需:49积分/C币 react-reactnative跨平台日历组件支持iOSAndroid A react native module to show calendar, it works on iOS and Android. 跨平台日历组件支持iOS、Android ...
Textarea Autosize behaves similarly to the native HTML<textarea>. By default, an empty Textarea Autosize component renders as a single row, as shown in the following demo: MUI System JSTS Show code Minimum height Use theminRowsprop to define the minimum height of the component: ...
react-textarea-autosize-widget:使用React的Textarea自动调整大小小部件 开发技术 - 其它 Tr**rs上传173KB文件格式zipJavaScript react-textarea-autosize-widget 自动调整文本区域 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分