npm install react-textarea-autosize Demo Props Special props: proptypedescription maxRowsnumberMaximum number of rows up to which the textarea can grow minRowsnumberMinimum number of rows to show for textarea ...
npm install --save react-autosize-textarea yarn add react-autosize-textarea Demo Live Examples Usage TextareaAutosizeis perfectly compatible with ReactJS default one, so to get started you can simply replace any<textarea></textarea>with<TextareaAutosize></TextareaAutosize>. It's that easy...
npm install react react-dom 在React组件中引入React和Textarea组件: 代码语言:txt 复制 import React, { useState } from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import Textarea from 'react-textarea-autosize'; 创建一个React函数组件,并在组件中定义一个状态变量来存储Textarea的值: 代码语言:...
importReactDOMfrom'react-dom';importTextareaAutosizefrom'react-autosize-textarea';ReactDOM.renderComponent(<TextareaAutosize{...textareaProps}onResize={(e)=>{}}/>,document.body); Install npm install --save react-autosize-textarea yarn add react-autosize-textarea ...
importTextareafrom'react-textarea-autosize';// If you use CommonJS syntax:// var Textarea = require('react-textarea-autosize').default;React.renderComponent(<div><Textarea/></div>,document.getElementById('element')); Install npm install react-textarea-autosize ...
react-reacttextareaautosize能够根据内容自动扩展的Reacttextarea组件 react-textarea-autosize - 能够根据内容自动扩展的React textarea组件 上传者:weixin_39840588时间:2019-08-15 react-reactgeminiscrollbarReact组件用于自定义对话框的滚动条利用原生的滚动机制 ...
react-autowidth-input- Highly configurable & extensible automatically sized input field built with hooks. react-textarea-autosize- <textarea /> component for React which grows with content. Star Rating react-rating-demo- Zero-dependency, highly customizable rating component. ...
Text TimeInput Toaster Tooltip TooltipElement Tree Viewer WindowSizeListener 1. Alert 警告 Alerts notify users of important information and force them to acknowledge the alert content before continuing. Although similar to dialogs, alerts are more restrictive and should only be used for important inform...
Text TimeInput Toaster Tooltip TooltipElement Tree Viewer WindowSizeListener 1. Alert 警告 Alerts notify users of important information and force them to acknowledge the alert content before continuing. Although similar to dialogs, alerts are more restrictive and should only be used for important inform...
[TextareaAutosize] Fix one possible case of infinite render loop (#16387) @ZYinMD [TextareaAutosize] New public component (#16362) @oliviertassinari [Tooltip] Fix arrow demos (#16412) @Favna @material-ui/styles@v4.2.0 [styles] Add test for removing styles via overrides (#16420) @eps...