使用AutoSizer可是列表宽高为当前父组件的100 在使用VariableSizeList 会遇到列表项样式缓存没有被清除导致行高一直和第一次可视区域里展示的一样。可使用组件的属性resetAfterIndex(index: number, shouldForceUpdate: boolean = true): void来清除样式。react-window的github源码: https://github.com/bva...
结合react-virtualized-auto-sizer使列表自适应当前页面的宽高 使用AutoSizer可是列表宽高为当前父组件的100% import{FixedSizeList}from"react-window";importAutoSizerfrom"react-virtualized-auto-sizer";constExample=()=>(<AutoSizer>{({height,width})=>(<FixedSizeListclassName="List"height={height}itemCount...
data] } return( <AutoSizer > {({ height, width }) => ( <InfiniteLoader isItemLoaded={isItemLoaded(leadCount)} itemCount={itemCount} loadMoreItems={loadMoreItems} > {({ onItemsRendered, ref }) => ( <List key={`${width}${height}${data.length}`} height={height} width={width} ...
AutoSizer or VariableSizeList will work with this approach, as in this example https://codesandbox.io/s/react-window-custom-scrollbars-t4352 @ranihorevcan you also share Code Sandbox example? @piecykI create a simple (and broken) example: ...
<AutoSizer style={{ width: "100%", height: minHeight, }} className={"AutoSizer"} > adapt getRowHeight function to respect the minItemHeight you have const getRowHeight = (index: number) => { const currentRowHeight = rowHeights.current?.[index] const height = currentRowHeight || ...
grid spreadsheet brianvaughn •1.8.11•a month ago•2,026dependents•MITpublished version1.8.11,a month ago2026dependentslicensed under $MIT 7,006,611 react-virtualized-auto-sizer Standalone version of the AutoSizer component from react-virtualized ...
item} /> : null; }} </Grid> ); }} </InfiniteLoad> ); }} </AutoSizer> 这是我的父组件: 代码语言:javascript 复制 export default function() { ... function loadMore() { fetchMore({ variables: { offset: data.artist.albums.items.length, limit: 10 }, updateQuery: {...} }); } ...
It works by using a similar approach used react-virtualized’sAutoSizer. By having a resize listener registered to the element that holds theFixedSizeList, we’re able to update theheightandwidthprops passed to it whenever the size of the container changes. ...
It works by using a similar approach used react-virtualized’s AutoSizer. By having a resize listener registered to the element that holds the FixedSizeList, we’re able to update the height and width props passed to it whenever the size of the container changes....
`${measureRegJson.name}${data[index].name}${data[index].dateOfBirth}` : this.generateEncKey(data[index])} > {tableBody} </List> )} </AutoSizer> let tableBody; if (measureRegJson.perPatient) { // One row per patient tableBody = ({data, index, style }) => { console.log(...