你必须使用<ToastContainer/>在你的项目的根这样这个容器是可访问的从所有这页.然后调用这函数 Official ...
ReactToastify的位置不起作用可能是由于以下几个原因: CSS样式问题:ReactToastify的位置是通过CSS样式来控制的。如果样式未正确加载或与其他样式冲突,可能会导致位置不起作用。可以检查样式文件是否正确引入,并确保没有其他样式覆盖了ReactToastify的位置样式。 容器元素问题:ReactToastify的通知消息是通过一个容器元素来展...
React Toastify 是一个用于 React 应用的通知库,它提供了一种简单的方式来向用户显示消息提示。以下是关于 React Toastify 的基础概念、优势、类型、应用场景以及常见问题解决方案的完整解答。 基础概念 React Toastify 允许你在应用的任何地方触发通知(toast),这些通知会以弹出框的形式显示在屏幕上,通常包含一条消息...
Working for me in the development but not after building Developement Server : After Build In production : Kordrad commented Oct 23, 2019 I have the same issue. In my project, I made a new file toast.css and pasted styles from this path: node_modules/react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify....
$ npm install --save react-toastify $ yarn add react-toastify importReactfrom'react';import{ToastContainer,toast}from'react-toastify';functionApp(){constnotify=()=>toast("Wow so easy!");return(Notify!<ToastContainer/>);} Documentation Check thedocumentationto get you started...
React notification made easy 🚀 ! Contribute to fkhadra/react-toastify development by creating an account on GitHub.
What are Toast Notifications? Toast or Toastify notifications are pop-up messages that come up with some information generally on the side bar. This could be information like success, loading, error or caution. There could also be a progress bar or not. there are a variety of Toast Notific...
code is not working and I have error: react_toastify__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.toast.configureis not afunction Expand snippet error image Here is my code: import{toast}from'react-toastify';import'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css'; toast.configure();functionApp() ...
你需要导入ToastContainer组件和toast方法,后者用于显示不同类型的通知。你也需要导入React-Toastify的CSS样式,以确保所有通知都有合适的样式。 配置 你可以通过配置ToastContainer组件来自定义通知的主题、位置、过渡效果、持续时间等。以下是一些基本的配置示例: ...
"react":"^16.2.0","react-toastify":"^3.2.2" 如果我调试它,我会看到我的 toast 已排队,_EventManager2 永远不会获得通常从队列中发出 toast 的 _constant.ACTION.MOUNTED 事件…… /** * Wait until the ToastContainerismounted to dispatch the toast ...