你可以使用 npm 或 yarn 来安装 React Toastify: 代码语言:txt 复制 npm install react-toastify # 或 yarn add react-toastify 2. 如何在 React 应用中使用 React Toastify? 首先,在你的应用入口文件(如 index.js 或App.js)中引入并配置 ToastContainer: 代码语言:txt 复制 import { ToastContainer } fro...
我是最近通过webpack-bundle-analyzer发现的一个问题,其实我们只有某个页面会可能用到弹框,比如你点了收藏之后会有弹框出来。但是通过打包结果和运行得出,每个页面无论有没有使用,一开始都引入了react-toastify。 react-toastify 的使用 如果你打开它Github,它是这么使用的: import React from 'react'; import { ...
React notification made easy. Latest version: 11.0.2, last published: 15 days ago. Start using react-toastify in your project by running `npm i react-toastify`. There are 2768 other projects in the npm registry using react-toastify.
In your App.Js file import react toastify and the react-toastify CSS like: import { ToastContainer, toast } from 'react-toastify'; import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css';import react toastify then in your App() function just create a notification function App(){ const notify ...
React Quick Toastify is a simple and customizable toast notification component for React applications. Installation To install the package, run the following command: npm install react-quick-toastify Usage Import the QuickToastify component and use it in your application. The component takes the foll...
<ToastContainertoastClassName={()=>classNames( 'relative flex p-2 min-h-10 border rounded-md justify-between overflow-hidden cursor-pointer', bgColor, color, borderBgColor, ) } position="top-right" autoClose={3000} icon={<Icon/>} closeButton={(...
Assalamualaikum, This project is a multi vendor e-commerce website. I have tried to add all the features required for a professional level e-commerce website in this project. javascriptuuidreactjsreact-reduxreact-iconstailwindcssreact-toastifyreact-lottieframer-motioncountry-state-cityvitejsmetarial...