Working for me in the development but not after building Developement Server : After Build In production : Kordrad commented Oct 23, 2019 I have the same issue. In my project, I made a new file toast.css and pasted styles from this path: node_modules/react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify....
$ npm install --save react-toastify $ yarn add react-toastify importReactfrom'react';import{ToastContainer,toast}from'react-toastify';functionApp(){constnotify=()=>toast("Wow so easy!");return(Notify!<ToastContainer/>);} Documentation Check thedocumentationto get you started...
If I import css from the root layout, the error above occurs. If I import css from root css, the first error disappears, but the error below still occurs. Am I missing something? 👍 23 dltmdrbtjd changed the title Toastify css build/chunk file not found(404) issue ( NextJS 14 ...
code is not working and I have error: react_toastify__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.toast.configureis not afunction Expand snippet error image Here is my code: import{toast}from'react-toastify';import'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css'; toast.configure();functionApp() ...
React SSR 是 React 服务器端渲染 (SSR: server side render) 技术。传统的服务端渲染方式是使用 HTML...
Lightweight: React-Toastify is nearly three times in terms of file size comparatively, which is basically 16KB minified and gzipped, which is not too much Highly customizable: The library provides excellent control over the appearance, position, and behavior of your toast notifications Multi-...
We will start by setting up a basic React project in Vite, use Ably to enablerealtime updatesfrom the server to React client, use react-toastify to display notifications in the browser, and send system notifications using the Notifications API. ...
<ToastContainertoastClassName={()=>classNames( 'relative flex p-2 min-h-10 border rounded-md justify-between overflow-hidden cursor-pointer', bgColor, color, borderBgColor, ) } position="top-right" autoClose={3000} icon={<Icon/>} closeButton={(...
调整Toastify的BG或实际上任何样式的最简单的解决方案是使用ToastContainer props toastStyle:它接受JSX...