The code editor lets you write and practice different types of computer languages. It includes React.js, but you can use it for other languages too. New languages are added all the time: If you don't know React, we suggest that you read ourReact Tutorialfrom scratch. ...
代码调试:Monaco Editor内置了代码调试功能,可以在编辑器中进行断点设置和调试代码。 多语言支持:Monaco Editor支持多种语言和框架,包括JavaScript、TypeScript、HTML、CSS等。 总的来说,Monaco Editor是一款功能丰富、高性能的Web编辑器,适用于开发人员、写作人员和其他需要进行文本编辑的用户。 ⭐配置monaco-editor ...
在解决上述问题,我们先对 Online Editor 的结构做一个讲解: 这是项目主要的结构,首先,用户编写代码后,Cmd/Ctrl + S 保存代码,触发 @babel/standalone 转译,这里将 ES6、JSX 的代码转译成 ES5 的可执行代码以及可可执行的 CSS 代码,注入到浏览器内嵌的 Iframe 中,使得 Iframe 刷新重新运行新的代码,同时,这一...
代码调试:Monaco Editor内置了代码调试功能,可以在编辑器中进行断点设置和调试代码。 多语言支持:Monaco Editor支持多种语言和框架,包括JavaScript、TypeScript、HTML、CSS等。 总的来说,Monaco Editor是一款功能丰富、高性能的Web编辑器,适用于开发人员、写作人员和其他需要进行文本编辑的用户。 💖react系列文章 next.j...
我们通过一个简单示例看一下这两种方式,示例中我们需要共享的状态逻辑为:通过上文中用到的ChatAPI,获取某个friendId的在线状态isOnline。 高阶组件 这是高阶组件对该逻辑复用的实现,我们会对原组件进行一层包裹,并将需要的状态注入其 props。 代码语言:txt ...
This tool allows to beautify react source code online. There is no file size limit, and your files are not sent to server side (they remain in your browser). User guideHow to format React code: Fill the editor: Copy and paste your React code Drag and drop your react file Directly ...
Where can I buy the KendoReact Rich Text Editor? The KendoReact Editor component is one of over 100 in the KendoReact components library which is part of the Kendo UI bundle. Kendo UI includes libraries for jQuery, Angular, React, and Vue. You can purchase Kendo UI online or by ...
简介:Open ReactExplore ExamplesCodeSandbox is an online editor that helps you create web applications, from prototype to deployment. CodeSandbox The online code editor for web applications Open ReactExplore ExamplesCodeSandbox is an online editor that helps you create web applications, from prototype to...
const options ={selectOnLineNumbers:true,renderSideBySide:false,}; useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({handleSetEditorVal,getEditorData:()=>cache.current,})); useEffect( () => () =>{provider.dispose();// 弹窗关闭后 销毁编辑器实例}, ...