💖引入react-monaco-editor 安装依赖 yarn add react-monaco-editor 1. 💖引入react-app-rewired 安装依赖 yarn add react-app-rewired 1. 替换package.json的script运行命令 Replace react-scripts by react-app-rewired 替换script的运行命令 💖通过config-overrides.js添加monaco插件配置 在前端根目录中新建confi...
The editor stores your work in multiple locations within the browser’s storage system, providing fallback options if the primary save location becomes corrupted or inaccessible. How Can You Download Your Code Files? You candownload your code filesusing the editor’s built-in export function that...
StackBlitz is an online IDE which supports Angular and React development projects out-of-the box. The guys from thinkster.io have created that great project to make it as easy as possible to get started with your Angular or React project without the need
react-grapesjs——开源代码学习与修改(初出茅庐) react搭建在线编辑html的站点——引入grapes实现在线拖拉拽编辑html 前端react 18.2整合ckeditor富文本编辑器——配置插件、自定义toolbar工具栏 ⭐配置monaco-editor 💖引入react-monaco-editor 安装依赖 yarn add react-monaco-editor 💖引入react-app-rewired 安装...
基于浏览器的社交媒体视频编辑器和转换器 该项目建立在Gatsby / React / Redux的基础上,并使用D3.js,Web Audio API,IndexedDB(Dexie.js)和WebAssembly(WASM) 它使用FFmpeg库的WebAssembly端口,该端口最初是用C和Assembly编写的 所有文件上传,视频编辑和转码都在浏览器中完成...
Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options master 4Branches0Tags Code This branch is up to date withVincedream/react-online-editor:master. README 前言 近几年前端发展迅速,很多概念性的想法渐渐地变成了现实,比如前端微服务、Serverless 在前端的应用、在线IDE编码等,越...
主题所使用的样式以css in js方式进行支持,其内部原理是对 Reactcontext和hooks进行了封装。并且对 vscode 主题进行了兼容。 使用方式如下: import{createStyles}from'@src/theme'constuseStyles=createStyles(theme=>({tab:{backgroundColor:theme.colors['tab.inactiveBackground']}}))functionThemeDemo(){constclas...
A ReactJS Compiler is a tool that enables developers to write, compile, and execute ReactJS code. It transforms it into a format that can be understood and executed by web browsers or other JavaScript environments. While ReactJS itself does not require a specific Compiler, using a Compiler ca...
Powered by Monaco Editor that powers VS CodeCredit goes to the following excellent components Monaco Editor (Powered by Microsoft) Monaco Editor for React (Npm package by Suren Atoyan) React horizontal scrolling menu (Npm package by Alex Smyshlyaev) Next.JS (Powered by Vercel) Bootstrap (By Bo...
Coding logic into the hub is acceptable as long as the work doesn’t go too deep into the layers of your code. Otherwise, go through the controller—whether MVC or Web API—and inject a hub context. The only difference between using a hub or a controller is that SignalR can’t track...