The code editor lets you write and practice different types of computer languages. It includes React.js, but you can use it for other languages too. New languages are added all the time: If you don't know React, we suggest that you read ourReact Tutorialfrom scratch. ...
💖引入react-monaco-editor 💖引入react-app-rewired 💖通过config-overrides.js添加monaco插件配置 ⭐编辑代码的react页面配置 💖扩展 可自定义配置语言 ⭐效果 ⭐总结 ⭐结束 ⭐前言 大家好,我是yma16,本文分享关于 react-app框架——使用monaco editor实现online编辑html代码编辑器。 monaco editor 编辑...
我们需要注意的是,这里预置了react、react-dom,这里只需要将转译后的业务代码注入即可。 完整的源码:react-online-editor 接口Serverless 化 这里我们用到了上传源码文件的接口,为了避免 OSS 的密钥直接暴露在前端,这里我做了一个接口在后端进行统一处理,后端接收到文件名和文件字符串后,会生成相应的文件,然后传入到 ...
react搭建在线编辑html的站点——引入grapes实现在线拖拉拽编辑html 前端react 18.2整合ckeditor富文本编辑器——配置插件、自定义toolbar工具栏 ⭐配置monaco-editor 💖引入react-monaco-editor 安装依赖 yarn add react-monaco-editor 💖引入react-app-rewired 安装依赖 yarn add react-app-rewired 替换package.json...
React JSXcomponents Vuetemplate syntax Angulartemplate support 3. Additional Supported Languages The editor supportsspecialized programming languagesacross multiple domains: CategorySupported Languages SystemsRust, Go, Swift DatabaseSQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL ...
A block-style visual editor in React Topics wysiwyg block-editor online-editor visual-editor dmeditor Resources Readme License GPL-2.0 license Activity Custom properties Stars 30 stars Watchers 5 watching Forks 8 forks Report repository Releases 15 0.2.2 is released ...
It is written from scratch in TypeScript, and has an excellent bundler-agnostic setup. Native integrations with Angular, React and Vue.js are available for your convenience. CKEditor 5 is also compatible with Electron and mobile devices (Android, iOS). Read docsModular, extensible & customizable...
StackBlitz is an online IDE which supports Angular and React development projects out-of-the box. The guys from have created that great project to make it as easy as possible to get started with your Angular or React project without the need
开始Editor.js 提供了简单而直观的用户界面,根据需求可以灵活添加自定义的编辑工具,通过插件扩展功能 Editorjs 使用 js 开发,脱离框架依赖,因此可以基于它封装富文本编辑器,用于 Vue...和 React 项目 editor-js-component 是基于 Editorjs 封装的库,通过 monorepo 管理项目,不局限框架 Demo 示例 editor-js-component...
Try it out: This is the vanilla variant of svelte-jsoneditor, which can be used in vanilla JavaScript or frameworks like SolidJS, React, Vue, Angular. Features View and edit JSON Has a low level text editor and high level tree view and table view Format (be...