expo运行环境https://docs.expo.dev importReact,{useState,useEffect,useRef}from'react';import{Text,View,Button,StyleSheet}from'react-native';import{Camera}from'expo-camera';import{useIsFocused}from'@react-navigation/native';exportdefaultfunctionQRCodeScannerScreen(){const[hasPermission,setHasPermission]=us...
React Native扫码功能通常依赖于设备的摄像头和特定的扫码库。这些库提供了二维码或条形码扫描的接口,开发者可以通过调用这些接口来实现扫码功能。 二、寻找并选择一个适合React Native的扫码库 对于React Native来说,有多个扫码库可供选择,其中比较流行的有react-native-qrcode-scanner、react-native-qr-scanner以及expo-...
Create a new React-Native project with Expo. npx create-expo-app QRCodeScanner Add camera permissions in app.json. "ios": { "infoPlist": { "NSCameraUsageDescription": "This app uses the camera to scan barcodes." } }, "android": { "permissions": ["android.permission.CAMERA","...
A QR code scanner component for React Native built on top of react-native-camera by Lochlan WansbroughPlease note, this will also function as a generic barcode scanner by the virtue of the above module supporting barcode scanning, however, this module was initially built as a QR code scanner...
https://github.com/expo/expo/tree/master/packages/expo-document-picker 7. react-native-fingerprint-scanner 使用跨平台设备会遇到很多挑战,而正确的软件包能够帮助你获得更多帮助,这个软件包能够方便地在你的 React-Native 应用中添加指纹功能,并且能够在 Android 和 iOS 上运行。
"react native-barcodescanner"是一个用于在React Native应用中读取QR码的库。它提供了一个组件,可以在应用中集成QR码扫描功能。 QR码(Quick Response Code)是一种二维码,可以存储大量的数据。它由黑白像素组成,可以通过扫描设备快速读取。 该库的主要优势包括: 跨平台支持:"react native-barcodescanner"可...
react-native-qrcode-scanner是一个用于在React Native应用中扫描二维码的库。如果要删除react-native-qrcode-scanner的页眉和页脚白条,可以按...
In this React Native QR code scanner tutorial, the app we create will be able to read QR codes in real time and render their content to the screen at the time of detection. We will be using React Native’s CLI Quickstart. (Note: If you need help setting this up, you can always ref...
Preview Code Blame 99 lines (74 loc) · 5.27 KB Raw react-native-qrcode-scanner-view A highly customized qrcode viewfinder base on react-native-camera. You must set up react-native-camera correctly first before use it.If you need to set more react-native-camera props, you can just use...
A QR code scanner component for React Native. Contribute to bokuhe/react-native-qrcode-scanner development by creating an account on GitHub.