"react native-barcodescanner"是一个用于在React Native应用中读取QR码的库。它提供了一个组件,可以在应用中集成QR码扫描功能。 QR码(Quick Response Code)是一种二维码,可以存储大量的数据。它由黑白像素组成,可以通过扫描设备快速读取。 该库的主要优势包括: ...
react-native-qrcode-scanner是一个用于在React Native应用中扫描二维码的库。如果要删除react-native-qrcode-scanner的页眉和页脚白条,可以按...
React Native扫码功能通常依赖于设备的摄像头和特定的扫码库。这些库提供了二维码或条形码扫描的接口,开发者可以通过调用这些接口来实现扫码功能。 二、寻找并选择一个适合React Native的扫码库 对于React Native来说,有多个扫码库可供选择,其中比较流行的有react-native-qrcode-scanner、react-native-qr-scanner以及expo-...
A QR code scanner component for React Native built on top of react-native-camera by Lochlan WansbroughPlease note, this will also function as a generic barcode scanner by the virtue of the above module supporting barcode scanning, however, this module was initially built as a QR code scanner...
Before we begin our React Native QR scanner, there are some dependencies we’ll need to install. Installing RNCamera’s Dependencies Our setup needs a minimum of JDK version 1.7 (which you most likely have) and if you’re on Android you’ll requirebuildToolsVersionnewer than 25.0.2. (To ...
import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'; export default function QRCodeScanner(props) { return <View />; } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#fff', }, }); Request camera permission when the component is mounted with expo-camera. expor...
expo运行环境https://docs.expo.dev importReact,{useState,useEffect,useRef}from'react';import{Text,View,Button,StyleSheet}from'react-native';import{Camera}from'expo-camera';import{useIsFocused}from'@react-navigation/native';exportdefaultfunctionQRCodeScannerScreen(){const[hasPermission,setHasPermission]=us...
This package was forked from react-native-qrcode-scanner and the permission package was changed to run in the latest version of react native. This library was originally written as a plug and play QRCode scanner for React Native without a ton of setup. Since then, the ecosystem has evolved...
Breadcrumbs react-native-qrcode-scanner / migration.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 152 lines (115 loc) · 4.47 KB Raw (this document has been taking from the react-native-camera library here) Migrating from RCTCamera to RNCamera Project Integration Please follow the RNCame...
react-native-barcode-scanner-universal是react-native-barcodescanner和react-native-camera的结合,react-native-barcodescanner应用于android平台,react-native-camera应用于iOS平台。 3.使用实例 1)安装:npm install react-native-barcode-scanner-universal --save ...