react-native-qrcode-scanner是一个用于在React Native应用中扫描二维码的库。如果要删除react-native-qrcode-scanner的页眉和页脚白条,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 打开你的React Native项目的代码编辑器。 导航到使用react-native-qrcode-scanner的页面组件。 在该页面组件的代码中,找到对react-native-qrcode-scanner...
This library was originally written as a plug and play QRCode scanner for React Native without a ton of setup. Since then, the ecosystem has evolved quite a bit, resulting in newer libraries requiring less setup and reducing the need for this project to exist. As such this library has been...
以上是在React Native中使用Expo共享QRCode的基本步骤。通过使用Expo的BarCodeScanner组件,可以轻松实现QRCode的扫描和处理功能。如果需要更多高级功能,可以参考Expo文档中的相关内容。 腾讯云相关产品和产品介绍链接地址: 腾讯云开发者平台 腾讯云移动开发平台 腾讯云物联网平台 ...
This package was forked from react-native-qrcode-scanner and the permission package was changed to run in the latest version of react native. This library was originally written as a plug and play QRCode scanner for React Native without a ton of setup. Since then, the ecosystem has evolved...
npm install react-native-qrcode-scanner --save react-native link react-native-qrcode-scanner react-native-permissions You will also need to install react-native-permissions to handle camera related permissions npm install react-native-permissions --save react-native link react-native-permissions For ...
A QR code scanner component for React Native built on top of react-native-camera by Lochlan WansbroughPlease note, this will also function as a generic barcode scanner by the virtue of the above module supporting barcode scanning, however, this module was initially built as a QR code scanner...
React + TypeScript starter project 3.2K views82 forks Files components App.tsx index.html index.tsx package.json style.scss Dependencies @types/react18.0.9 @types/react-dom18.0.5 prop-types15.8.1 qr-scanner1.4.1 react18.1.0 react-dom18.1.0 ...
Source Code You can check out the source code of the demo to have a try. The demo can also run as a web app using react native web.
npx expoinstallreact-native-web@~0.18.10 react-dom@18.2.0 @expo/webpack-config@^18.0.1 Then, we can run the project in the web: npm run web Create a QR Code Scanner Component for Web In the previous article, we created a QR code scanner component with React-Native-WebView which only...
{ NativeModules.NaviModule.startQrcodeScanner().then(result=>{ alert(result); }).catch(error=>{ }); } render() {return(<Viewstyle={styles.container}><TouchableOpacityonPress={this._scanner}><Text>扫描</Text></TouchableOpacity></View>); } }conststyles = StyleSheet.create({container: {...