expo start 打开Expo开发者工具或扫描终端中显示的二维码,即可在手机上查看应用程序。 以上是在React Native中使用Expo共享QRCode的基本步骤。通过使用Expo的BarCodeScanner组件,可以轻松实现QRCode的扫描和处理功能。如果需要更多高级功能,可以参考Expo文档中的相关内容。
npx expoinstallreact-native-web@~0.18.10 react-dom@18.2.0 @expo/webpack-config@^18.0.1 Then, we can run the project in the web: npm run web Create a QR Code Scanner Component for Web In the previous article, we created a QR code scanner component with React-Native-WebView which only...
A QR code scanner component for React Native built on top of react-native-camera by Lochlan WansbroughPlease note, this will also function as a generic barcode scanner by the virtue of the above module supporting barcode scanning, however, this module was initially built as a QR code scanner...
This library was originally written as a plug and play QRCode scanner for React Native without a ton of setup. Since then, the ecosystem has evolved quite a bit, resulting in newer libraries requiring less setup and reducing the need for this project to exist. As such this library has been...
Source Code You can check out the source code of the demo to have a try. The demo can also run as a web app using react native web. https://github.com/tony-xlh/QR-Code-Scanner-React-Native-WebView
This package was forked from react-native-qrcode-scanner and the permission package was changed to run in the latest version of react native. This library was originally written as a plug and play QRCode scanner for React Native without a ton of setup. Since then, the ecosystem has evolved...
In this React Native QR code scanner tutorial, the app we create will be able to read QR codes in real time and render their content to the screen at the time of detection. We will be using React Native’s CLI Quickstart. (Note: If you need help setting this up, you can always ref...
To use react-native-qrcode-scanner,importthereact-native-qrcode-scannermodule and use the<QRCodeScanner />tag. More usage examples can be seen under theexamples/folder. Here is an example of basic usage: 'use strict';importReact,{Component}from'react';import{AppRegistry,StyleShe...
这篇博客是对我们的 Android 开发者峰会 2018 演讲 的补充,是与来自合作伙伴开发者团队中的 Vinit ...
{ NativeModules.NaviModule.startQrcodeScanner().then(result=>{ alert(result); }).catch(error=>{ }); } render() {return(<Viewstyle={styles.container}><TouchableOpacityonPress={this._scanner}><Text>扫描</Text></TouchableOpacity></View>); } }conststyles = StyleSheet.create({container: {...