1,先打开xcode,这不用教了吧 对着你的项目右键选择Add Files to"里面显示的是你的项目名称"; 2,选择路径node_modules➜react-native-icons➜ios➜ addReactNativeIcons.xcodeproj 点Add 3,选中项目目录,右边的Build Phases➜Link Binary With Libraries,并点击+,如图: 4,如图: 5, 6, 7,按路径选择node...
WARNING: Support for this library is being discontinued, I highly recommend using https://github.com/oblador/react-native-vector-icons instead as its more fully featured. There's far biggger problems to solve in the open source and React Native communities than competing icon libraries so I'll...
corymsmith/react-native-iconsPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork140 Star1.1k master 1Branch16Tags Code README MIT license WARNING: This library is discontinued, I highly recommend usinghttps://github.com/oblador/react-native-vector-icons ...
react-native-scrollable-tab-view 可以左右滑动的tab react-native-zip-archive 解压工具 react-native-xml2js react-native-spinkit 好看的loading圈 react-native-interactable 有很强交互效果的table视图 react-native-pull-to-refresh 下拉刷新效果 react-native-deck-swiper 不错的swiper效果 react-native-prefix-p...
React Native Iconify react-native-iconify is a library that simplifies the use of icons in React Native projects. It provides access 150,000+ icons. You can find all the supported icons on these websites: IconesIconify Installation To use the react-native-iconify library, you first need to ...
将主题应用于特定组件很容易;React Native Paper带有两个默认主题,即浅色和深色,你可以进行扩展。它还使用react-native-vector-icons库来支持并正确使用图标在按钮、浮动操作按钮、列表等中。 React Native Paper相关资料 文档 包含对Expo的支持 GitHub 在线示例 ...
https://expo.io/@satya164/react-native-paper-example 10,React Native Vector Icons React Native Vector Icons是一组 React Native 的可定制图标,支持 NavBar/TabBar/ToolbarAndroid、图像源和完整样式。它非常有用,而且被数千个应用程序以及其他 UI 组件库(如 react-native-paper)所使用。
React Native Vector Icons是一组 React Native 的可定制图标,支持 NavBar/TabBar/ToolbarAndroid、图像源和完整样式。它非常有用,而且被数千个应用程序以及其他 UI 组件库(如 react-native-paper)所使用。 项目地址: github.com/oblador/reac 示例项目:oblador.github.io/react 11,Teaset Teaset是一个 React Na...
For example, to use an icon fromMaterial Design, your import would be:import { ICON_NAME } from 'rn-icons/md'; How to pick icons Checkout this website:https://react-icons.github.io/react-icons/. you can view all icons. and replace library name fromreact-iconstorn-iconswill be ok....
React Native出来一年多了,受到各大开发人员的喜爱,但是由于只是专注于View层的开发,因此在很多深层次上还需要结合原生app做一定的兼容,还有就是现在好多控件,如Android中已是系统的控件的sidemenu、checkbox、gridview等,这些在react native中 系统是没有给我们提供的,这时候就借助了第三方开源的力量。