Welcome to the free edition of Hugeicons for React Native — an extensive library of meticulously crafted icons designed to elevate the visual appeal of your mobile applications. With Hugeicons React Native, you gain access to a vast selection of icons tailored to suit every need, allowing for...
1. 安装 npm install --save react-native-vector-icons 2. 修改配置 详见该说明 安卓且使用 Gradle:修改android/app/build.gradle文件, 添加apply from: file("../../node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/fonts.gradle")。 3. 使用图标 importIconfrom'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons'; functionExampl...
import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react' import { View, TextInput, Text, Button } from 'react-native' import style from './src/static/style/index.js' import Api from './src/api' import { Icon } from './src/component/light' export default function App() { const ...
1,先打开xcode,这不用教了吧 对着你的项目右键选择Add Files to"里面显示的是你的项目名称"; 2,选择路径node_modules➜react-native-icons➜ios➜ addReactNativeIcons.xcodeproj 点Add 3,选中项目目录,右边的Build Phases➜Link Binary With Libraries,并点击+,如图: 4,如图: 5, 6, 7,按路径选择node...
> 1. 安装react-native-vector-icons图标库 yarn add react-native-vector-icons > 2. 使用命令使其与之关联 react-native link ***以上步骤完成之后一定要 react-native run-android 重新安装,不然不生效或者显示 xx之类的 *** > 3. 使用图标
在官网搜索图标:https://oblador.github.io/react-native-vector-icons/,复制选中图标的名称,如果想要使用上面图标集合的某个图标,以ant design的caretup图标为例,在组件中导入图标:import AntDesign from 'react-native-vector-icons/AntDesign';{/*图标使用示例*/}<AntDesign name="caretup" size={22} ...
WARNING: Support for this library is being discontinued, I highly recommend using https://github.com/oblador/react-native-vector-icons instead as its more fully featured. There's far biggger problems to solve in the open source and React Native communities than competing icon libraries so I'll...
一、react-native-vector-icons 概述 这个是在GitHub上最火的react-native图标库,使用起来简单高效,其中内置市面上大部分开源的图标库,我们只需要简单的配置,即可马上体验iconfont带来的快感,虽然其官方仓库已经有很清楚的步骤带领我们一步步配置,这里我还是以我自己通俗的理解做下步骤讲解: ...
You may need to restart your node server for the icon font files to be included. Example of icons var { Icon, } = require('react-native-icons'); <Icon name='ion|beer' size={150} color='#887700' style={styles.beer} /> <Icon name='zocial|github' size={70} color='black' style...
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons'; //引入图标 在reder中使用:<Iconname="rocket"size={30}color="#900"/> 4.重新react-native run-android的时候会报错,因为node_module中的react-native-vector-icons下的 buildToolsVersion 和你项目的 buildToolsVersion 不一致,所以你需要修改react-nati...