via react-native-macosTo set up the library on your macOS project using react-native-macos, follow these steps:Browse to the node_modules/react-native-vector-icons folder and drag the Fonts folder into your project in Xcode. Ensure that your app is checked under "Add to targets," and ...
Integrating Library for getImageSource SupportThe following steps are optional and are only necessary if you intend to utilize the Icon.getImageSource function.Edit the android/settings.gradle file as shown below: = 'MyApp' include ':app' + include ':react-native-vector-icons' ...
1、进入你的项目根目录,打开android/app/build.gradle( 不是android/build.gradle) ,添加以下代码: 1project.ext.vectoricons =[2//然后在以下数据中你可以添加需要字体图标文件名3iconFontNames: ['MaterialIcons.ttf','EvilIcons.ttf']4]56applyfrom:"../../node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/
1.在阿里字库中创建一个项目, 选择需要的字 类似: image.png 2.选好后, 点击下载, 解压 image.png 把此文件拖入rn项目 3.创建js文件 importcreateIconSetfrom'react-native-vector-icons/lib/create-icon-set';constglyphMap={tb_campus:58911,// 阿里字库中( ) 16进制 e61f 转为 10进制;tb_circle:58881...
react native cli 使用react-native-vector-icons图标库 1. 安装 npm install --save react-native-vector-icons 2. 修改配置 详见该说明 安卓且使用 Gradle:修改android/app/build.gradle文件, 添加apply from: file("../../node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/fonts.gradle")。
Customizable Icons for React Native with support for image source and full styling. - oblador/react-native-vector-icons
1.react-native-vector-icons安装 先给项目安装该库 npm install react-native-vector-icons --save iOS和安卓关联该库 react-native link 2.基础使用 2.1库基本使用 该库自带button,tabbarItem,navigatorItem使用 具体使用链接: ...
module.exports = { dependencies: { 'react-native-vector-icons': { platforms: { ios: null, }, }, },};使用 在官网搜索图标:,复制选中图标的名称,如果想要使用上面图标集合的某个图标,以ant design的caretup图标为例,在组件...
> 1. 安装react-native-vector-icons图标库 yarn add react-native-vector-icons > 2. 使用命令使其与之关联 react-native link ***以上步骤完成之后一定要 react-native run-android 重新安装,不然不生效或者显示 xx之类的 *** > 3. 使用图标
WARNING: Support for this library is being discontinued, I highly recommend using instead as its more fully featured. There's far biggger problems to solve in the open source and React Native communities than competing icon libraries so I'll...