可以在使用(npx react-native init Project)创建的React Native项目上导入expo库吗? 、 我想在我的应用程序中使用Ionicons (从‘@expo/vector-icons’导入{Ionicons} ),但在运行后,它会给出错误(错误:无法从C:\ReactNewProject\App.js解析模块@expo/向量-图标:@expo/向量-图标在项目中找不到。) 浏览17提...
React Native Tutorial介绍React Native:使用JavaScript构建应用程序React Native简介:使用JavaScript构建iOS应用程序React Native符合异步函数React Native中的手势检测 - 修复意外的平移Digital Smart Mirror lab with React NativeReact Native的美丽:使用JavaScript构建您的第一个iOS应用程序(第1部分)React Native的美丽:...
The primary purpose of React Native Elements for building on top of the basic React Native components to give you more flexibility and ease to theme your entire app. If you’ve ever written CSS for an entire app, you have probably found ways to save yourself some time and write things onc...
ReactNative 使用矢量图标 react-native-vector-icons 导入你需要使用图标的名字(此处以FontAwesome)为例import FontAwesome from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome'; 开始使用...一、概述 矢量图标的好处是:可以自定义图标大小,颜色,这样解决了指定死图标的灵活性。但是跨平台应用开发中,ReactNative不像Ionic那样...
🌺 react-native-vector-icons ★7615- Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar/ToolbarAndroid, image source and full styling. 🌺 react-native-maps ★6398-React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android react-native-swiper ★5261- The best Swiper component for React...
react-native-fbsdk - 围绕iOS Facebook SDK的包装器 react-native-side-menu - 用于创建侧边菜单的简单可自定义组件 react-native-mapbox-gl - Mapbox GL对原生模块做出React react-native-icons - React Native中的快速简单图标 react-native-vector-icons - 用于React Native的3000个可自定义图标,支持NavBar...
我的React_Native 用到的第三方(持续更新中) :https://github.com/oblador/react-native-vector-icons它是用来做图标展示的,通过它可以引用很多图片库的icon。 引入步骤: 1、在项目目录下执行...我的React_Native用到的第三方(持续更新中)React-Navigation 参考:https://github.com/react ...
https://github.com/MarnoDev/react-native-open-project http://www.jianshu.com/p/53ff78168acc 首屏进入前的loading画面: SplashScreen 图标:react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons 底部切换栏:react-native-tab-navigator,不可滑动 顶部标签切换栏(也可渲染到底部,可滑动):react-native-scrollable-tab-view ...
react-natove-vector-icons Github Resource Handling in React-Native Blog fontFamily in React Native Tips for React Native Images (or saying goodbye to trial and error) Blog Change your React Native app icons in a single command line Blog Javascript TitleTypeResource RatingDescription Using ...
react-native-side-menu - Simple customizable component to create side menu react-native-mapbox-gl - A Mapbox GL react native module react-native-icons - Quick and easy icons in React Native react-native-vector-icons - 3000 Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar ...