Revert "feat: update tailwindcss and vite versions (#207)" Jun 26, 2024 .gitignore feat: add composeClasses to avoid undefined and null on classes Jan 14, 2023 .npmignore Add PopUpCustom component Jul 27, 2022 .npmrc fix: 🐛 override webpack and fix build storybook ...
component-libraryweb-audio-apireact-component-librarytailwindcss-uiaudio-uiecho-uiaudio-hook UpdatedMar 18, 2024 TypeScript AdrianMachado/KaiUI Star188 React component library for KaiOS apps reactui-componentsmobile-developmentui-frameworkreact-component-librarykaios ...
console.log(this); // React Component 实例 } render() { return 前端柒八九; } }export defaultApp; 当然,我们读者当中还有一些,纯新手或者蛋蛋后的新生势力,想必对React.Component也很陌生,大家现在接触到的概念和推荐写法都是Hook的函数组件。没得关系,「条条大路,通罗马」,我们都是结果导向性,只要能把活...
tailwind.config.js init project 3年前 yarn.lock init project 3年前 README Star 0 Fork 0 捐赠 0 人次 简介 基于tailwind 的 React 组件库 暂无标签 JavaScript 等3 种语言 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者 (1) 全部 近期动态 3年前推送了新的 master 分支 3年前创建了仓库深圳...
使用React Router 做客户端路由时,基于路由的代码分割做起来并不复杂。如果你碰巧需要做这部分的优化,那么可以使用@loadable/component来替代React.lazy()。 React 中还有一套条件渲染技术,与路由功能有些相似,能实现页面级别上的组件替换,但只能处理一些简单的场景,是你在初学 React 会接触到一个技术。
React组件可以通过使用CSS来定义样式,其中一种流行的CSS框架是Tailwind CSS。 Tailwind CSS是一个高度可定制的CSS框架,它提供了一组预定义的样式类,可以直接应用于HTML元素。它的设计理念是通过组合这些类来构建界面,而不是编写自定义CSS样式。这种方法使得开发人员可以快速构建和修改界面,同时保持一致性和可维护性。
Pixel-perfect, built-in themes are available in Material, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, and Fabric designs. In addition, you can use an accessible high-contrast theme and an online Theme Studio tool for customizing built-in themes. Globalization simplified Easily build applications to be used by a...
Tailwind UI Semantic UI Material UI React Bootstrap 1. React Bootstrap React 动画 任何 web 应用...
The Complete React UI Components Library The Syncfusion React JS UI components library is the only suite that you will ever need to build an application since it contains over 85 high-performance, lightweight, modular, and responsive UI components in a single package. ...
This is a list of AWESOME components. Nope, it's NOT a comprehensive list of every React component under the sun. So, what does "awesome" mean? Well: It solves a real problem It does so in a 🦄 unique, 🦋 beautiful, or 🏆 exceptional way. (And it's not super popular and we...