Free BlocksPRO BlocksReact ComponentsAdmin & DashboardsTemplates & Kits Ecosystem PRO BlocksDiscoverSubmitLogin Afree repositoryfor community components usingTailwind CSS Open source Tailwind UI components and templates to bootstrap your new apps, projects or landing sites!
Free Tailwind CSS React Components based on TailGrids Core, comes with all essential UI components and elements you need to kickstart Tailwind + React web projects - TailGrids/tailgrids-react
A React starter kit built with Tailwind CSS which includes a collection of beautiful, production-ready UI components that are yours to customize and adapt for your own component system. Private Community Join an exclusive members-only Discord where you can connect with other designers and developers...
500+ UI components Super simple, 1 minute installation Easy theming and customization Free hosting Get started Compatible with top frameworks & tools Explorededicated packagesfor most popular tools: Standard Tailwind React 18 Figma Join waitlist ...
uikittailwindcsstailwindcomponents UpdatedOct 16, 2021 Blade slim-python/tailwind-css-free-components Star18 Code Issues Pull requests list of all free tailwind CSS components and templates, including tailwind CSS Vue components, react components, and simple Javascript components as well. ...
(Formerly Tailwind Toolbox) Free open source Tailwind CSS starter templates and components to get you started quickly to creating websites in Tailwind CSS!
Allow Users to seamlessly Switch between Dark/Light Mode – Across All React Components and Pages Optimized Development Workflow Effortless Development and Customization with seamless Webpack and NPM support. Essential UI Components, Elements, and Pages ...
最后生成的 ReactJS 代码则是这样的: importReactfrom'react';importtwfrom'tailwind-styled-components';constContainer=tw.div`bg-gradient-to-b from-orange to-yellowtext-whitefont-Arialflexflex-colitems-centerpt-50min-h-screen`;constTitle=tw.h1`text-3xlmb-20`;constSubtitle=tw.h2`text-2xlmb-30`...
In this post, we’ll look at several different ways you can build reusable React components that leverage Tailwind under the hood while exposing a nice interface to other components. This will improve your code by moving from long lists of class names to semantic props that are easier to read...
Catalyst UI kit — a starter kit for building your own component systems with React and Tailwind CSS. Private community — join an exclusive members-only Discord where you can connect with other designers and developers. Available for teams— get access to all of our templates and components, ...