Tailwind UIIntroducing CatalystOur new React UI kit ComponentsTemplatesUI KitDocs Search components Sign inGet all-access→ By the makers of Tailwind CSS Beautifully designed, expertly crafted components and templates, built by the makers of Tailwind CSS. The perfect starting point for your next proj...
@import */@tailwindbase;@tailwindcomponents;@tailwindutilities; // src/main.tsximportReactfrom'react';importReactDOMfrom'react-dom';importAppfrom'./App';import'./common/style/index.css'ReactDOM.render(<React.StrictMode><App/></React.StrictMode>,document.getElementById('root')); 五、vscode设置...
Tailwind却使得className如何冗长,而且如果不使用className类名这样的包的话,它确实会使我们的代码行比应有的长很多。在我看来,这是Tailwind最大的败笔之一。 特别是,如果你在进行多人开发,那么styled-components可以使你很轻松得读取一个组件的样式。与Tailwind相比,你可能必须要在文档中查找一些工具类来理解这些值的含...
Tailwind却使得 className 如何冗长,而且如果不使用 className 类名这样的包的话,它确实会使我们的代码行比应有的长很多。在我看来,这是 Tailwind 最大的败笔之一。 特别是,如果你在进行多人开发,那么 styled-components 可以使你很轻松得读取一个组件的样式。与 Tailwind 相比,你可能必须要在文档中查找一些工具类来...
TailGrids React is Tailwind UI Components for React Web Projects. This version is free open-source TailGrids Core that coded specifically for React, so anyone can use TailGrids Tailwind CSS components with your React projects flawlessly. TailGrids React comes with all the essential UI components ...
In summary, theclassnamesmodule is a simple and effective way to programmatically control class names for Tailwind. It makes it easier to separate logic into React props, which makes your components easier to reuse. It works for simple and interactive components. ...
module.exports = { extends: ['react-app', 'prettier'], }; 配置.prettierrc.cjs 创建.prettierrc.cjs module.exports = { singleQuote: true, importOrder: [ '^vite', '^react', '^antd', '<THIRD_PARTY_MODULES>', 'components/', 'pages/', 'hooks/', 'utils/', '^[./]', ], impor...
"bg-gray-50 border pl-12 border-gray-300 text-gray-900 text-sm rounded-lg focus:ring-blue-...
使用TailwindCSS + Eslint Prettier JestReact模板 创建React应用 该项目是使用。 :rocket: 关于申请 CLEAN模板将在带有React的应用程序中使用。 :wrench: 安装及使用 Ver scripts no package.json yarn start 在开发模式下运行应用程序: 打开链接: 以在浏览器中查看它。 yarn test 运行测试。 在以下链接中查看有...
//src/assets/main.css@tailwindbase;@tailwindcomponents;@tailwindutilities; Nice! Tailwind CSS should now work perfectly with our React application. To try it out, paste the following code inside the defaultsrc/App.jsfile: functionApp(){return(Helloworld!Loremipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisi...