// 漫反射材质classlambertian:publicmaterial{public:lambertian(constcolor&a):albedo(a){}virtualboolscatter(constray&r_in,consthit_record&rec,color&attenuation,ray&scattered)constoverride{// 在法线方向上加上随机单位向量反射autoscatter_direction=rec.normal+random_unit_vector();//如果随机到的单位向量正好...
电子书《Ray Tracing in One Weekend》是一本由Peter Shirley、Trevor David Black和Steve Hollasch共同撰写的教程书籍,期望帮助读者在短短一个周末内构建一个基础的光线追踪程序。书中详细介绍了光线追踪的基本概念、编程步骤和调试技巧,从输出图像开始,逐步深入到材质、反射、折射等高级特性,最终引导读者实现一个能够...
I'll take you through writing a ray tracer in the order I do it, along with some debugging tips. By the end, you will have a ray tracer that produces some great images. You should be able to do this in a weekend. If you take longer, don't worry about it. I use C++ as the ...
Ray() {} Ray(constvec3& a,constvec3&b) { A= a; B =b; } vec3 origin()const{returnA;} vec3 direction()const{returnB;} vec3 point_at_parameter(floatt)const{returnA + t *B; } vec3 A; vec3 B; };#endif 画图,在一个大小为200*100的图上画光 #include <iostream>#include"r...
metal(constvec3&a): albedo(a) {}virtualboolscatter(constray& r_in,consthit_record&rec, vec3& attenuation, ray& scattered)const{ vec3 reflected=reflect(unit_vector(r_in.direction()), rec.normal); scattered=ray(rec.p, reflected); ...
上一章忘记给出RayTracingInOneWeekend的链接了(可以直接下载,github.io的版本有些公式显示不出来):https://github.com/RayTracing/raytracing.github.io/archive/master.zip 上一章截止于c error(官方除了让你v bug file.v以外并未给出其他描述,它甚至没告诉你是哪一个文件导致的崩溃,你就说怎么反馈) ...
【Ray Tracing in One Weekend 超详解】 光线追踪1-2之美,今天我们开始进入正篇Chapter3:Rays,asimplecamera,andbackground对于所有的光线追踪器,基本都有一个光线类,计算沿光线看到的颜色。我们的光线是一个矢量运算:p(t)=a+t
Repo for practicing raytracing, based on the book "Raytracing in a weekend" What is this project about? This project is about learning the basics that is invovled with raytracing such as the maths and algorithims required to do so. How to build project To build project, follow these steps...
《Ray Tracing in One Weekend》阅读笔记 - 5、表面法线和多个物体,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
I would recommend having the original C++ code of the "Ray-Tracing in a Weekend"project on your machine. This makes it possible to reference what changes need to be made during the process of using SYCL to parallelize the code. For SYCL development,ComputeCpp(Codeplay's SYCL implementation) ...