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Speaking from experience, rate my professors DOES NOT allow any reviews that are negative in tone. The only reviews they accepted from me were the positive reviews. I had one review removed multiple times. I carefully checked over their guidelines and didn’t violate any of them. When I reac...
The law protects Rate My Professors from legal responsibility for the content submitted by our users, like the reviews that appear on our site. Specifically, the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (47 U.S.C. Sec. 230) created a federal immunity to any cause of action that would make servic...
Looking for a professor by school/department? More from Rate my professors and. 6 reasons to rate your profs. 5 Rate My Professors - Review Teachers and Professors, School Reviews, College Campus Ratings http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/index.jsp Sorry No Results Found. Sorry No Results ...
ratemyprofessors.com Rate My Professors is the best college professor reviews and ratings source based on student feedback. Over 1.4 million professors & 15 million reviews. Find & rate http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ SHARE TRAFFIC RANK FOR RATEMYPROFESSORS.COM ...
In addition, gendered language in teacher reviews can also skew results seen on the site, according to a 2015 data compilation by Northeastern University professor Benjamin Schmidt. In his analysis of around 14 million Rate My Professors reviews, Schmidt said male teachers were more likely to recei...
course reviews anonymously. Last month, it has raised $3 million in seed round funding from Bithumb Korea. It serves as a platform for verified students—based on their university’s email—allowing them to anonymously share reviews with full transparency, without fear of reprisal, as a first ...
谁才是留学最痛苦的人? | 出国留学之后,单靠埋头学习是行不通的,往往最痛苦的也是这些人。 留学生掌握一定的信息渠道有时候能事半功倍。 上课听不懂 ▪️Rate My Professors选课前看教授评价 ▪️Otter:语音转文字 ▪️Google Doc:语音转换实时记录 ...
Rate My Professors Predict a professor's ratings from their reviewsOverviewDataDiscussionLeaderboardRulesOverview StartAug 26, 2016 CloseSep 17, 2016 Descriptionlinkkeyboard_arrow_up Welcome to the inaugural competition for the Colorado Data Science Team. Your task is to predict the ratings students gav...
Students appreciate the fact that Rate My Professors reviews are posted anonymously; this is beneficial to the students; however, it can also be degrading towards the content of reviews. As there is no method for assuring that the reviewer is an audience of the subject, anyone can leave a re...