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Rate and review professors 7 hacks to boost your grade Improve your success with these easy tips 1. Clear your workspace 2. Practice studying intervals of 22 minutes with a 5 min. break 3. Create a fixed schedule when to see friends and when to study ...
Our data source is from ratemyprofessors.com, and the definition of clarity, helpfulness and easiness, was provided by the website.2 Students provide ratings on a scale of 1 to 5 as follows. For easiness, the rating is from 1 (hard) to 5 (easy). For both helpfulness and clarity, ...
He gives cheat sheets and a review. As long as you do both well, you are guaranteed a good grade. He is very enthusiastic to teach and is always available for help. Also, he gives plenty of extra credit opportunity. One of my best professors! Helpful 3 2 Quality 5.0 Difficulty 1.0 ...
I hope these tips have been helpful and if you every want support or to chat about any aspect of student life, our support teams are always here to help. All the best ^Sarah Student Review: 3.4 /5 By member12130698 On 22nd January 25 Verified student My time so far at uclan has ...
In general, when I encountered a problem, I was able to find my way out of it by using the help menu -- which saved a lot of time and frustration. Go to thedetailed ED-u-rate chart. This review is provided as a service to Education World readers. It reflects the observations and ...
【CPSC 322】 水度: 100% Prof: http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=28731 Course Website: http://people.cs.ubc.ca/~conati/322/322-2013W2/course-page.html 如果是上过一些基础课比如121, 221 这节课会非常的水 可能因为是introduction的course,教的都是非常基本的search,prob...