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It defends hateful professors and sets students up for failure. Date of experience: December 10, 2022 Useful2Share Don Tran 8 reviews US Mar 22, 2023 USELESS Website! Rate My Professors is BIASED! I agree with the other 1 stars commentators in this website regarding about ratemyprofessors...
Campus ratings should only be posted by students who have attended or are currently attending the specific course, college or university being rated. Rate My Professors is NOT the place to report dangerous, illegal or illicit behaviors. If you believe that you, another professor, or a student ...
Many professors cringe when they think about the way they are described on Rate My Professors, the popular site used by students to evaluate faculty members.A new toolallows those being rated (or anyone) to see the way students tend to use different words when rating male and female professor...
Rate my professors is a site where students can review past professors and give helpful advice to fellow students. With class registration in full swing, a few USD professors agreed to read some of their reviews out loud on air! Related ...
And this is my take on Kempus , Jae and Danny’s excellent adventure, still in formation, making its first steps into the world of social networks and the lives of university and college students. Kempus is an online community where students can connect and share course reviews anonymously....
ratemyprofessor.comhospitality educationStudent evaluation is a common measure used to assess the quality of an instructor's teaching. However, the results of traditional student evaluation scores are often not available to students, thus students seek out other platforms to learn about professors that...
Rate My Professors is the best college professor reviews and ratings source based on student feedback. Over 1.4 million professors & 15 million reviews. Find & rate http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ SHARE TRAFFIC RANK FOR RATEMYPROFESSORS.COM ...
Yet, these sites can be influenced by a voluntary response bias, in which users with extremely positive or negative experiences dominate the review process, according to a New Yorker article on workplace reviews. Similarly, students unfamiliar with a platform like Rate My Professors, or indifferent...
Junliang Huang is a professor in the Japanese department at California State University - Northridge - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.