Campus ratings should only be posted by students who have attended or are currently attending the specific course, college or university being rated. Rate My Professors is NOT the place to report dangerous, illegal or illicit behaviors. If you believe that you, another professor, or a student...
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美帝大学生最喜欢的10所大学,Rate my professor选出的第一居然是…. 在国外,有一个叫做“教授评价网”(Rate My Professor)正风靡全美各大院校,这个网站号称罗列了全美100万名大学的任课教师接受学生点评。学生可以对每一位曾选过...
A. (2008). Rate my professor: Online evaluations of psychology instructors. Teaching of Psychology, 35(2), 71-80., K. M., Silva, F. J., Quinn, M. A., Draper, J. N., Cover, K. R. & Munoff, A.A. (2008). Rate my professor...
Can I sue" When I try to search for answers, nearly every result comes directly from RateMyProfessor, conveniently discouraging any potential legal action by stating, "No, you can't." But my lawyer says "yes, I can", and should, stand up for our rights. It feels...
The Rate My Professors website offers several aspects of the course and professor to rate before determining said professor’s final score on a scale of one to five. The reviewer must leave their opinion about the quality and difficulty of the course (again, on a scale from one to five),...
Reading Resolutions: Our Shared Shelf, a Feminist Book Club by Emma Watson. Not] Looking Like a Professor. On Gender Bias in Student Evaluations. Drawing Words and Writing Pictures. Introductory multi-genre creative writing course. Join 116 other followers. Leslie’s RSS Feed. Immediately reco.....
Undergraduates (n = 338) read evaluations for a fictitious professor and rated their academically entitled intentions and academically entitled expectations. Participants reported greater intention to request all policy exceptions of and expect they be granted by positively evaluated ...
1. Rate My Professorsis likely the most popular and famous name in the rating space. According to their website, they have had nearly 20 million ratings added to their site, for well over a million teachers. Thousands of schools from the USA, Canada, and the UK are... is an online listing service that offers collegiate professor ratings. Students use the free service to plan their class schedule and rate professors on attributes such as helpfulness and clarity. Headquarters Location 1515 Broadway New York, New York, 10036, United States Sugge...