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Campus ratings should only be posted by students who have attended or are currently attending the specific course, college or university being rated. Rate My Professors is NOT the place to report dangerous, illegal or illicit behaviors. If you believe that you, another professor, or a student...
2018年,杜克大学在美国新闻与世界报道(U.S. News)全美大学综合排名中位列第9,在美国南部居于首位、在泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education)位列全美第5。 最后,Rate My Professor虽然可以让学生们更直观的了解到大学课堂和教授的情况,但是也并不完美,所以还需理性考量,如果有条件,还是建议大家去试听一下,没有人...
Search your college institution Professor Find your professor by their name Rate Rate and review professors 7 hacks to boost your grade Improve your success with these easy tips 1. Clear your workspace 2. Practice studying intervals of 22 minutes with a 5 min. break ...
输入你想要浏览的院校即可。这里我演示搜索了多伦多最大的大专院校,Seneca College(圣力嘉学院) 点开你想查看的院校之后,你会看见网站给头三位最高评价的老师的名字,以及学校的整体评分。拿Seneca College为例子,得分最高的老师是分别是Chang,Alfonsina,其次是Huston,Gabriel 和Lorentz,Adam。三位老师得分都是5分满分,...
在国外,有一个叫做“教授评价网”(Rate My Professor)正风靡全美各大院校,这个网站号称罗列了全美100万名大学的任课教师接受学生点评。学生可以对每一位曾选过课的教师给出评价,评分内容包括:课程难易度、讲述清晰度,课堂内外的帮...
with rate my professor it used to be good tell people with their Experience with thier professors so can help future student avoid or take that professor now won't let me write a review on my professors that taking this courses now put future college students at risk getting bad professor ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook RMP (redirected fromRate My Professors) AcronymDefinition RMPRisk Management Program RMPRate My Professors(website) RMPResource Management Plan RMPRisk Management Plan ...
近日Rate My Professor,一家基于学生反馈的最好的给大学教授评估和打分的网站,很多学生在选课的时候都会先上这个网站看下任课教授的分数再决定要不要选择这个教授的课。该网站发布了一个年度大学排名,一起来看看美国学生心仪的大学有哪些,有没有你喜欢的?
And here's where you can find the new list of the 25 highest rated professor in the country, according to RateMyProfessor. The No. 1 teacher is a business professor atSan Jose State University. Lynn O'Shaughnessy is author ofThe College Solution, an Amazon bestseller, and she also write...