Due to the genetic heterogeneity in human populations and the complex multifactorial pathogenesis of the disease phenotypes, the dissection of the genetic basis of common chronic kidney diseases (CKD) remains a difficult task. In this regard, several inbred rat models provide valuable complementary ...
For biochemical analysis, blood samples were collected in clean centrifuge tubes during dissection and directly placed on ice. Heparin was used as an anticoagulant. Plasma was obtained by centrifugation of samples at 3000 rpm for 15 min, and samples were stored at −60 °C until analysis...
(Fig. 2a). The aortic end of the ductus was open in all specimens and filled with blood at dissection. As to the morphology of the pulmonary end of the ductus arteriosus, three different types of ductus could be distinguished: 1) a tubular type with a widely patent pulmonary end in two...
The dissection process was then repeated as described for CL reference points. Fig. 1 shows representative hematoxylin quick-stained sections for periportal (A-B) and centrilobular (CD) reference points from cryopreserved rat liver sections before (A,C) and after (B,D) laser capture ...
Dissections were guided using coordinates (Dorsal striatum: A/P +2 to − 2 mm bregma, mediolateral ± 2 to 5 mm, D/V − 3 to − 6 mm and hippocampi: A/P − 5 to −7 mm bregma, mediolateral ± to 6 mm, D/V − 2 to −8 mm) according to Paxinos...
changes in the levels of many compounds [32,33], dissection of frontal cortex from each animal was performed into 1.5 min. The time of handling before freezing was standardized to minimize the effect of post-mortem metabolism. Mitochondrial Analyses...
Cardiomyocytes were dissociated from ventricles dis- sected from Sprague-Dawley rat pups at postnatal day 3 and maintained in cold dissection buffer (in mM: NaCl 1at3270, K0 Cg lfo5r.356 m, Ming,StOhe4 c0e.8ll1s,wdeerxetrroesseus5p.5e5n,dKeHd 2inPOth4e0c.4u4lt,uNrae2mHePdOiu...
After dissection, the brain was heated to 95 °C (by a Denator T1 Heat Stabilizor), subdissected into cerebellum, cortex and brainstem. Non-heparinized trunk blood was collected from another group of four rats by decapitation. Human muscle biopsies were obtained from the musculus vastus ...
Dissection of the L5 sympathetic ganglia was achieved with microsurgical techniques, high magnification (×25) and bipolar coagulation of the vena cava tributary covering it. The animals were allowed to recover, and one week later received injections of PRV into the left ACD as described above. ...
The sharp dissection of different regions of rat kidneys was performed on ice and under a dissection microscope. Each kidney was cut across into four to five pieces and kept in ice-cold PBS. From each piece, the cortical tissue was excised from the rest of the medulla using the ...