harvested by dissection and stored in liquid nitrogen for Western blot or treated with Tri Reagent for isolation of RNA assay kit (PIERCE, Rockford, IL, USA). 4.7. Determination of Renal Function Serum BUN concentrations were measured by using the QuantiChromTMurea assay kit with a modification...
Peripheral nerve injury denervates muscle, resulting in muscle paralysis and atrophy. This is reversible if timely muscle reinnervation occurs. With delayed reinnervation, the muscle’s reparative ability declines, and muscle-resident fibro-adipogenic pr
Fig. 7. The ReactLab definition of the mechanism in Equation (7) with rate and equilibrium constants used to compute the concentration profiles of Figure 6. To get from this scheme to our intermediate matrix C involves a number of key computational steps requiring firstly the dissection of the...
All procedures from the brain dissection under the cryostat to the measurement of monoamine contents by HPLC have been performed blind of the treatment and randomly. The results for individual compounds are expressed in pg/mg of tissue. The ratios of DOPAC/DA and 5-HIAA/5-HT, considered as ...