Raising Up Gen Z to Follow Christ Gen Z is desperate for guidance and inspiration. Jason Jimenez has been pastoring parents and students for over thirty years. He’s raised four Gen Z kids of his own. He says this current generation of children represents the most difficult parenting challenge...
Jessica Ronne is a mother to a child with disabilities, but she is also an advocate for those who find themselves in caregiving roles. She has used her story of being a parent to a child with disabilities but also caring for her first husband as he passed away from a brain tumor to wr...
Raising Money-Smart Kids: How to Teach Your Children the Secrets of Earning, Saving, Investing, and Spending Wisely [Blue, Ron, Blue, Judy] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Raising Money-Smart Kids: How to Teach Your Children the Secr
Mom’s first impulse was to grab Jerry and give him a great big hug, but dad had everyone go to the living room and sit down. When all were seated, dad began by saying, “Kids, your brother doesn’t love you. He ran away from all of us and not only that, he took your dog. ...
Summarize some of what you proved, but share your own personal witness. I then, per Come, Follow Me, issued a challenge to the kids. I asked them if they could stand as a personal witness of the Resurrection- not as Mary Magdalene or Thomas, but as a witness themselves? Do they truly...
Teaching children to pray is one of the things that Jesus has given us a specific example to follow. Using the Lord’s prayer for kids to model and learn from is like writing down the examples from the math book! Christian parents can take Jesus’ guide to praying and help their children...
Once our kids realize how we all can be guilty of inflicting pain (intentionally or not) and how we all have room to improve, they can turn hurtful encounters into teachable moments.They can remember how “Pain instructs” and let their pain help them become a stronger, kinder person. ...
Take your kids to kindergarten. Raise your children and your grandchildren. Take care of the community in which you live. Make all of that your path, and follow your path with heart. — Dipa Ma 54 Your kids require you most of all to love them for who they are, not to spend your...
to “Oh! I absolutely must write this!” Here are 5 Ideagrients™ I brainstormed BEFORE writing. Humor: My kids and I love deadpan humor. What if I went all in and talked about the plant pet using animal terms? Animalpomorphizing . That way we are quickly on board with Luna’s...
Among adults under 30, those poised to be the parents of the next generation, fully one third are religiously unaffiliated. Yet these "Nones," especially parents, still face prejudice in a culture where religion is widely seen as good for your kids. What do Nones believe, and how do ...