Written with honesty and warmth, it offers a wealth of insight into the complicated feelings and loyalties that parents, children, grandparents, and clergy bring to the subject of raising Jewish/Christian children.About The BookPoetry
If disciplining “linear” children isn’t easy, guiding free-spirit, non-linear children can fill you with paroxysms of self-doubt. Self-doubt, dear parent, is lethal, and some children quickly learn to plant its seeds in you. Once the child knows you’re doubting yourself, you’re in ...
made in August 1889, less than a year after her arrival in India. In many ways her work in the following years was designed to change this state of affairs. She soon started taking in foster children, and like other missionaries she ran ...
What to Do When You Find Out Your Child's Been Watching Porn Lessons from a Small-town Wedding The gospel of John tells the story of Jesus’ first public miracle, when He changed water into wine at a wedding in the village of Cana. (John 2:1-11) It wasn’t even very public at ...
We will gather ourselves to God, one woman at a time, loving one spouse or one child or one sibling one neighbor at a time, in unison and harmony with the other women around us. We will gather with those who care. I care. I believe you do, too. Peaceiswithin our grasp. Let’s...
christianbookstore.net 相似文献Raising Respectful Children in a Disrespectful World (Motherhood Club) [Paperback] This inspirational parenting guide offers proactive and positive steps to raising respectful, engaged, and grateful children. In an effort to raise children with a healthy view of themselves...
Child health loss was associated with a lower family quality of life. Scaling-up family support needs prioritization. 1. Introduction Caring for a child with a developmental disability or physical health condition can have a profound impact on the lives of families and caregivers. These caregivers ...
Reading and spiritual formation : toward a place for literature within parent-child, domestic church and body of Christ relationships for raising children ... This thesis explores how and why literature and reading, as a practice within Christian families, can play an influential role in the spiri...
Recommending the best books for babies and toddlers. RaisethemReading is inspiring parents to find quiet moments in the chaos to read to their children from an early age.
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