Raising Your Children For ChristIn This Practical Guide To Parenting, Andrew Murray Shows The Essential Qualities Of Being A Parent Who Loves The Lord.MurrayAndrewWhitaker House
Taking your kids to church on Sunday isn’t enough. It’s what happens in your home the rest of the week that will make an eternal difference. Parenting Articles Help for Today's Christian Parents Children can be taught self-control
He’ll help you better understand the world in which your children are growing up and offer four ways to raise children who are able to respond biblically to today’s culture: Model your personal relationship with Jesus.Model a lifestyle of prayer, and actively talk to your children about fo...
There may be no better time than Independence Day for parents to instill in children the attitude and feeling of patriotism. As children experience the beautiful fireworks displays and understand that the same thing is happening throughout our nation, they can’t help but think about what it mea...
is coming, and as Christian mamas, we’ve got to be ready. I’m not telling you to write your shopping list now–that’s not the planning I mean.What you really need is a toolbox full of practical ways to keep Christ in Christmas this year while we celebrate with our children. ...
There is a lot in these two 5-finger patterns. We are just getting started. I wonder if you have the missing pieces for the area of expertise and experience that you hold in your hands and heart and mind. I wonder how many children would be blessed if you shared what you know, disti...
Sacred Parenting: How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls, by Gary L. Thomas, Paperback 'Parenting a child is an in-depth course on spiritual formation, expressly designed by God to shape your soul in ways you cannot imagine. What if one of God's primary intentions for you as a parent isn...
“Assemble the people, men, women, and little ones, and the sojourner within your towns, that they may hear and learn to fear the Lord your God, and be careful to do all the words of this law, and that their children, who have not known it, may hear and learn to fear the Lord ...
at the age of ten her parents moved her and her siblings to Mongolia. Life was hard and and neglect for ministry was normal. She grew up believing that everyone experienced what she did as a child. As she matured and had children of her own, the chinks of this belief began to break....
This book isn’t about always saying yes to your child or never saying no, but helping them develop their understanding of their own abilities in the world. Get The Yes Brain here. How to Raise Children for Christ By: Andrew Murray Just as the title of the book implies, this book is ...