而且可以看出,我们还可以调用find_by_columnName、find_or_initialize_by_columnName、find_or_create_by_columnName等动态方法。 补充几点: 1. 动态查询支持nil, array 以及range作为参数 比如要查询上海或者北京, 年龄在18~38之间的用户,就可以这样用: User.find_all_by_city_and_age(['Shanghai','Beijing']...
如果它不存在,请根据输入的用户名创建新用户并重定向到新用户。新用户永远不会出于某种原因创建,但find_or_create行在rails控制台中工作。这是代码: user_controller.rb def new @user = User.new end def create @u = User.find_or_create_by_name(params[:name]) redirect_to @u end new.html.erb <%...
find_by_name('cwh') => 这时候存到数据库时候 status 就是 1 => 输出的时候 status 就是 activation find_or_create_by 方法这个方法 如果找到 就返回这个数据,没有找到就 创建一条这样的数据 find_or_initialize_by 方法此方法和find_or_create_by差不错,只不过不是创建时候是new,不是create,要手动...
Rails 3 find_or_create_by js new操作符 如何在不使用Rails中的资源(action :new,: create )的情况下创建表单? 如何从默认的"rails new app“和"npx create-react-app”修复这些依赖问题? Rails- Create操作不在数据库中保存记录 在启动create操作时,会话变量不会持久存在Rails 6 Rails CSV导入first_or_crea...
c3 = Category.find(1) c4 = Category.find(2)find 也可以接受陣列參數,這樣就會一次找尋多個並回傳陣列:arr = Category.find([1,2]) # 或是 arr = Category.find(1,2)如果找不到資料的話,會丟 ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound 例外。如果是 find_by_id 就不會丟出例外,而是回傳 nil。
You can override this by defining a class methodfetch_resource_for_passwordlessin your user model. This method will be called with the down-cased, strippedemailand should return anActiveRecordinstance. classUser<ApplicationRecorddefself.fetch_resource_for_passwordless(email)find_or_create_by(email:ema...
You can create a record by callingneworcreate Lockstep::Contact.create(email_address:"inbox@companyemail.com") You can create records from associations as well. This will automatically association the relationship with the parent record connection=Lockstep::Connection.find(company_id:"17544da8-7be8...
* `relation.create` does no longer leak scope to class level querying methods in initialization block and callbacks. Before: User.where(name: "John").create do |john| User.find_by(name: "David") # => nil end After: User.where(name: "John"...
jruby -S rake db:create After the database creation is complete, you should see output similar to the following: ** Execute db:create Therakecommand invokes the Rake tool. The Rake tool builds applications by running Rake files, which are written in Ruby and provide instructions for building...
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