在Rails中使用带有自连接的form_with,可以通过以下步骤实现: 首先,在你的视图文件中,使用form_with方法创建一个表单。该方法接受一个模型对象作为参数,并生成一个表单,用于编辑该模型对象的属性。 在form_with方法中,使用url选项指定表单提交的目标URL。由于我们需要使用自连接,所以可以将url选项设置为当前页面的U...
在Rails中,可以使用form_with方法将id传递给表单。form_with是一个Rails提供的表单辅助方法,用于生成HTML表单,并与指定的模型对象或URL进行绑定。 要将id传递给form_with,可以通过在表单的URL中包含id参数来实现。具体步骤如下: 在控制器中,获取需要传递给表单的id参数。可以通过params哈希来获取,例如id = params[...
在Rails 7 中,使用 form_with 标签生成的表单默认发送远程请求(turbo.js 处理表单提交事件,无论如何)。以前,人们会传递远程:假或本地:真参数...
我没有看到任何错误的消息(这不是一个错误)。我猜你的params hash看起来像这样:
`form_with` would generate a remote form by default. This would confuse users because they were forced to handle remote requests. All new 6.1 applications will generate non-remote forms by default. When upgrading a 6.0 application you can enable remote forms by default by setting `config...
form_tag and form_for provide two very similiar interfaces to much of the same thing. We should unify that usage and subsequent calls to field tags. Additionally, there are several deficiencies with the current helpers that I'd like to s...
%><%=turbo_frame_tag dom_id(@post) do%><%=form_for @post, remote: true, data: { turbo_command: "ExampleCommand#work" } do |form|%>...<%end%><%end%><%=form_with model: @post, data: { turbo_frame: dom_id(@post), turbo_command: "ExampleCommand#work" } do |form|%>....
Wedge mechanisms work in conjunction with the hook hinges engaging the ladder rails to secure the scaffold structure in the horizontal open working position. The platform structure in the form of the letter H is removably connected to two adjacent rungs of a single ladder. The pair of hook ...
Or the Formtastic way with the :for option:<%= semantic_form_for @post do |f| %> <%= f.inputs :title, :body, :created_at %> <%= f.inputs :first_name, :last_name, :for => :author, :name => "Author" %> <%= f.actions %> <% end %> ...