Tukufu ZuberiSpringer NetherlandsGriffith, F. M. & Zuberi, T. (2015) Demography of race and ethnicity in South Africa. In Saenz, R., Embrick, D. G. & Rodriguez, N. P. (eds) The International Handbook of Demography. Springer, London, pp. 387-418....
Botha J, Myburgh C & Poggenpoel M 2012. Peer aggression by secondary school learners in a South African school setting: Effects of race, ethnicity and gender. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 22(3):409-414.Botha, J., C. Myburgh, and M. Poggenpoel. 2012. "Peer Aggression by ...
《种族和教育杂志》(Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Education)是一本国际性的学术期刊,专注于探讨种族、族群和教育之间复杂而多维的关系。该期刊致力于发表高质量的研究论文、理论探讨、实证研究、案例研究和政策分析,旨在增进对教育领域内种族和族群问题的理解,并促进教育公平和社会正义。
Thethreeimportantkeyconceptsare:race,ethnicityandminoritygroups. 1.Race: Itisoneofthemostcomplexconceptsinsociology. Thescientifictheoryofraceroseinthelate18 th andearly19 th centuries. JosephArthurdeGobineau(1816-1882)iscalledthefatherofracism;heproposed ...
Sociology Of Race And Ethnicity创刊于2015年,由SAGE出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖Multiple全领域,此刊是该细分领域中属于非常不错的SCI期刊,在行业细分领域中学术影响力较大,专业度认可很高,所以对原创文章要求创新性较高,如果您的文章质量很高,可以尝试。平均审稿速度 ,影响因子指数1.8,该期刊近期没有被列入国际期刊预警...
The war on schools: NCLB, nation creation and the educational construction of whiteness The study of whiteness in education is receiving increased attention. This essay argues that the No Child Left Behind Act is an example of color‐blindness... Leonardo,Zeus - 《Race Ethnicity & Education》 ...
In recent years, the questions of ethnicity, race and racism have come to assume an increasing prominence in scholarly as well as social discussions in Asia. In response to the turbulent global economy, the fracturing of international barriers, and a renewed surge in flows of migrants and displa...
Section 11.12.3. Race and Ethnicity Race and ethnicity are social constructs, without scientific or biological meaning. The indistinct construct of racial and ethnic categories has been increasingly acknowledged, and concerns about use of these terms in medical and health research, education, and pract...
Race and Ethnicity in the Lives of LGBTQ Parents and Their Children: Perspectives from and Beyond North America Chapter © 2020 Introduction My friends say that all of us are children but not in the same way. They say that we are different. I don’t want them to talk like that. I ...
Social Structures and GlobalisationActive Aging and Wellbeing: Advancement of Interdisciplinary ResearchAdolescent Development within the Contexts of Family, Ethnicity and Social ClassAdolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health: Global PerspectivesAdvances in the Social SciencesAdvancing the Wellbeing of Marginalized...